"DISABLE TRIGGER" - Disabling Triggers in SQL Server


How To Disable Triggers using "DISABLE TRIGGER" in SQL Server?

✍: FYIcenter.com


If want to stop the execution of an existing trigger temporarily, you can use the "DISABLE TRIGGER" statement to disable it. The disabled trigger will be kept in the database.

If you want to resume the execution of a disabled trigger, you can use the "ENABLE TRIGGER" statement to enable it.

The tutorial exercise below shows you how to disable and enable triggers:

USE FyiCenterData

-- disabling a trigger
DISABLE TRIGGER dml_message ON fyi_users;

INSERT INTO fyi_users (name) VALUES ('Jack Gate');
(1 row(s) affected)

-- enabling a trigger
ENABLE TRIGGER dml_message ON fyi_users;

INSERT INTO fyi_users (name) VALUES ('Roy Bush');
Time: Jul  1 2007 
Records are inserted, updated, or deleted in fyi_users
(1 row(s) affected)


Creating Triggers for INSERT Statements Only in SQL Server

sys.sql_modules - Getting Trigger Definitions Back in SQL Server

Creating and Managing Triggers in SQL Server

⇑⇑ SQL Server Database Tutorials

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