UNCOMPRESS() - Uncompressing Data


How to uncompress (restore) compressed data using the UNCOMPRESS() function?

✍: FYIcenter.com


UNCOMPRESS(str) is a MySQL built-in function that uncompresses a given compressed byte string using the default LZ77 compression algorithm. For example:

SELECT UNCOMPRESS(x'37000000789C738BF44C4ECD2B492DD24BCECFD57123960700279D13DD');
  -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  -- | UNCOMPRESS(x'37000000789C738BF44C4ECD2B492DD24BCECFD57123960700279D13DD') |
  -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  -- | FYIcenter.com,FYIcenter.com,FYIcenter.com,FYIcenter.com                   |
  -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Reference information of the UNCOMPRESS() function:

UNCOMPRESS(bin): str
  Uncompresses a given compressed byte string using the default LZ77 
  compression algorithm.

Arguments, return value and availability:
  bin: Required. The byte string to be uncompressed.
  str: Return value. The uncompressed byte string.
  Available since MySQL 4.1.

Related MySQL functions:


UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH() - Uncompressed Data Length

STATEMENT_DIGEST_TEXT() - Calculating Statement Digest

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⇑⇑ MySQL Function References

2023-12-14, 250🔥, 0💬