Rename an Existing Table in Oracle
How To Rename an Existing Table in Oracle?
If you don't like the name of an existing table, you change it by using the CREATE TABLE ... RENAME TO statement. Here is a sample script:
SQL> connect HR/fyicenter Connected. SQL> CREATE TABLE emp_dept_10 2 AS SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id=10; Table created. SQL> ALTER TABLE emp_dept_10 RENAME TO emp_dept_dba; Table altered. SQL> SELECT first_name, last_name, salary FROM emp_dept_dba; FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME SALARY -------------------- ------------------------- ---------- Jennifer Whalen 4400
⇒ Drop an Existing Table in Oracle
⇐ Create a New Table by Selecting Rows from Another Table in Oracle
2019-06-01, 1896🔥, 0💬
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