Define Anonymous Procedures without Variables in Oracle
How To Define an Anonymous Procedure without Variables in Oracle?
Anonymous procedure is a procedure without any name. If you don't have any variables to declare, you can define an anonymous procedure by using the BEGIN keyword directly in SQL*Plus as shown in the following tutorial script:
SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> begin 2 dbms_output.put_line('Welcome to FYICenter!'); 3 end; 4 / Welcome to FYICenter! PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
"set serveroutput on;" allows dbms_output.put_line() to work.
"/" runs the anonymous block, which print the "Welcome to FYICenter!" message.
⇒ Define Anonymous Procedures with Variables in Oracle
⇐ What Is a Function in Oracle
2018-01-27, 1657🔥, 0💬
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