Creating Oracle PL/SQL Procedures and Functions


Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Creating Oracle PL/SQL Procedures and Functions?



Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by DBA team on Creating Oracle PL/SQL Procedures and Functions. It can also be used as learning tutorials on creating procedures and functions, executing and dropping procedures, passing actual parameters to formal parameters, making optional parameters.

What Is a Procedure in Oracle

What Is a Function in Oracle

Define Anonymous Procedures without Variables in Oracle

Define Anonymous Procedures with Variables in Oracle

Create a Stored Procedure in Oracle

Execute a Stored Procedure in Oracle

Drop a Stored Procedure in Oracle

Pass Parameters to Procedures in Oracle

Create a Stored Function in Oracle

Call a Stored Function in Oracle

Drop a Stored Function in Oracle

Call a Stored Functoin with Parameters in Oracle

Define a Sub Procedure in Oracle

Call a Sub Procedure in Oracle

Define a Sub Function in Oracle

Call Procedure or Function Recursively in Oracle

Run-Away Recursive Calls in Oracle

Define Variables before Procedures and Functions in Oracle

Formal Parameters and Actual Parameters in Oracle

Parameter Modes Supported by PL/SQL in Oracle

Use "IN" Parameters in Oracle

Use "OUT" Parameters in Oracle

Use "IN OUT" Parameters in Oracle

Define Default Values for Formal Parameters in Oracle

What Are Named Parameters in Oracle

Scope of Local Variables in Oracle

Sample scripts used in this FAQ collection assumes that you are connected to the server with the HR user account on the default database instance XE. See other FAQ collections on how to connect to the server. It is also assumed that you are using SQL*Plus to practice the sample scripts.


What Is a Procedure in Oracle

Test NULL Values in Oracle

⇑⇑ Oracle Database Tutorials

2018-01-27, 2114🔥, 0💬