CONV() - Number Base Conversion


How to convert an integer from one number base to another using the CONV() function?



CONV(str, from_base, to_base) is a MySQL built-in function that converts an integer from one number base to another. For example:

SELECT CONV(1279, 10, 16), CONV('4FF', 16, 10);
  -- +--------------------+---------------------+
  -- | CONV(1279, 10, 16) | CONV('4FF', 16, 10) |
  -- +--------------------+---------------------+
  -- | 4FF                | 1279                |
  -- +--------------------+---------------------+

SELECT CONV(1279, 10, 8), CONV('2377', 8, 10);
  -- +-------------------+---------------------+
  -- | CONV(1279, 10, 8) | CONV('2377', 8, 10) |
  -- +-------------------+---------------------+
  -- | 2377              | 1279                |
  -- +-------------------+---------------------+

SELECT CONV(1279, 10, 2), CONV('10011111111', 2, 10);
  -- +-------------------+----------------------------+
  -- | CONV(1279, 10, 2) | CONV('10011111111', 2, 10) |
  -- +-------------------+----------------------------+
  -- | 10011111111       | 1279                       |
  -- +-------------------+----------------------------+

Reference information of the CONV() function:

CONV(str, from_base, to_base): mewstr
  converts an integer from one number base to another.

Arguments, return value and availability:
  str: Required. The integer string in from_base base.
  mewstr: Return value. The converted integer string to_base base.
  Available since MySQL 4.0.

Related MySQL functions:


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CEILING() - Rounding up to Integer

MySQL Functions on Numeric Values

⇑⇑ MySQL Function References

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