Create a New Table in Oracle
How To Create a New Table in Oracle?
If you want to create a new table in your own schema, you can log into the server with your account, and use the CREATE TABLE statement. The following script shows you how to create a table:
>.\bin\sqlplus /nolog SQL> connect HR/fyicenter Connected. SQL> CREATE TABLE tip (id NUMBER(5) PRIMARY KEY, 2 subject VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL, 3 description VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, 4 create_date DATE DEFAULT (sysdate)); Table created.
This scripts creates a testing table called "tip" with 4 columns in the schema associated with the log in account "HR".
⇒ Create a New Table with SELECT Statements in Oracle
⇐ What Are DDL Statements in Oracle
2020-02-29, 1930🔥, 0💬
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