Understanding SQL SELECT Query Statements in Oracle


Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on SQL SELECT Query Statements in Oracle? I want to query data from tables.

✍: FYIcenter.com


Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com DBA team on SQL SELECT Query Statements in Oracle. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on selecting rows and columns from tables and views, sorting and counting query outputs, grouping outputs and applying group functions, joining tables, using subqueries.

What Is a SELECT Query Statement in Oracle

Select All Columns of All Rows in Oracle

Select Some Columns from a Table in Oracle

Select Some Rows from a Table in Oracle

Sort the Query Output in Oracle

Query Output Sorted by Multiple Columns in Oracle

Sort Query Output in Descending Order in Oracle

Count the Number of Rows with SELECT Statements in Oracle

Use of SELECT Statements in Views in Oracle

Filter Out Duplications in Returning Rows in Oracle

What Are Group Functions in Oracle

Use Group Functions in the SELECT Clause in Oracle

Group Functions Used with Non-group Selection Fields in Oracle

Divide Query Output into Groups in Oracle

Apply Filtering Criteria at Group Level in Oracle

Count Duplicated Values in a Column in Oracle

Use Multiple Columns in GROUP BY in Oracle

Use Group Functions in ORDER BY Clause in Oracle

Ways to Join Two Tables in a Single Query in Oracle

Query with an Inner Join in Oracle

Define and Use Table Alias Names in Oracle

Query with a Left Outer Join in Oracle

Query with a Right Outer Join in Oracle

Query with a Full Outer Join in Oracle

Inner Join with the WHERE Clause in Oracle

Left Outer Join with the WHERE Clause in Oracle

Name Query Output Columns in Oracle

What Is a Subquery in Oracle

Use Subqueries with the IN Operator in Oracle

Use Subqueries with the EXISTS Operator in Oracle

Use Subqueries in the FROM Clause in Oracle

Counting Groups Returned with the GROUP BY Clause in Oracle

Return Top 5 Rows in Oracle

Sample scripts used in this FAQ assumes that you are connected to the server with the HR user account on the default database instance XE. See other FAQ collections on how to connect to the server.

Some sample scripts may require database tables created by other samples in the beginning of the collection.


What Is a SELECT Query Statement in Oracle

in Oracle

⇑⇑ Oracle Database Tutorials

2020-01-04, 1834🔥, 0💬