Show All Data Files in the Current Database in Oracle
How To View Data Files in the Current Database in Oracle?
If you want to get a list of all tablespaces used in the current database instance, you can use the DBA_TABLESPACES view as shown in the following SQL script example:
SQL> connect SYSTEM/fyicenter Connected. SQL> col tablespace_name format a16; SQL> col file_name format a36; SQL> SELECT TABLESPACE_NAME, FILE_NAME, BYTES 2 FROM DBA_DATA_FILES; TABLESPACE_NAME FILE_NAME BYTES --------------- ------------------------------- --------- USERS \ORACLEXE\ORADATA\XE\USERS.DBF 104857600 SYSAUX \ORACLEXE\ORADATA\XE\SYSAUX.DBF 461373440 UNDO \ORACLEXE\ORADATA\XE\UNDO.DBF 94371840 SYSTEM \ORACLEXE\ORADATA\XE\SYSTEM.DBF 356515840
⇒ Create a New Data File in Oracle
⇐ Built-in Tablespaces in a Database in Oracle
2019-04-13, 2493🔥, 0💬
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