Create a Table in a Given Tablespace in Oracle
How To Create a Table in a Specific Tablespace in Oracle?
After you have created a new tablespace, you can give it to your users for them to create tables in the new tablespace. To create a table in a specific tablespace, you need to use the TABLESPACE clause in the CREATE TABLE statement. Here is a sample script:
SQL> connect SYSTEM/fyicenter Connected. SQL> CREATE TABLESPACE my_space 2 DATAFILE '/temp/my_space.dbf' SIZE 10M; Tablespace created. SQL> connect HR/fyicenter Connected. SQL> CREATE TABLE my_team TABLESPACE my_space 2 AS SELECT * FROM employees; Table created. SQL> SELECT table_name, tablespace_name, num_rows 2 FROM USER_TABLES 3 WHERE tablespace_name in ('USERS', 'MY_SPACE'); TABLE_NAME TABLESPACE_NAME NUM_ROWS ------------------------------ ---------------- ---------- MY_TEAM MY_SPACE - EMPLOYEES USERS 107 ...
⇒ Show Free Space in a Tablespace in Oracle
⇐ Keep Data Files When Tablespace Dropped in Oracle
2019-01-08, 2894🔥, 1💬
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