Loop through the Implicit Cursor in Oracle
How To Loop through Data Rows in the Implicit Curosr in Oracle?
You use the FOR ... IN ... LOOP statement to loop through data rows in the implicit cursor as the following syntax:
FOR row IN dml_statement LOOP (statement block with row.field) END LOOP;
Here "row" is a local RECORD type variable with fields automatically defined to match the fields in the data rows resulted from the DML statement. Here is a good tutorial exercise on loop through data rows with the implicit cursor:
BEGIN FOR row IN (SELECT * FROM employees WHERE manager_id = 101) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Name = ' || row.last_name); END LOOP; END; / Name = Greenberg Name = Whalen Name = Mavris Name = Baer Name = Higgins
⇒ Define an Explicit Cursor in Oracle
⇐ Attributes of the Implicit Cursor in Oracle
2018-07-22, 1649🔥, 0💬
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