Loop through a Cursor Variable in Oracle
How To Loop through a Cursor Variable in Oracle?
Once a cursor variable is opened with a query statement, it will have the same attributes as a normal cursor and it can be used in the same way a normal cursor too. The following sample script shows you how to loop through a cursor variable:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE FYI_CENTER AS TYPE emp_ref IS REF CURSOR RETURN employees%ROWTYPE; emp_cur emp_ref; emp_rec employees%ROWTYPE; BEGIN OPEN emp_cur FOR SELECT * FROM employees WHERE manager_id = 101; LOOP FETCH emp_cur INTO emp_rec; EXIT WHEN emp_cur%NOTFOUND; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Name = ' || emp_rec.first_name || ' ' || emp_rec.last_name); END LOOP; CLOSE emp_cur; END; / Name = Nancy Greenberg Name = Jennifer Whalen Name = Susan Mavris Name = Hermann Baer Name = Shelley Higgins
⇒ Pass a Cursor Variable to a Procedure in Oracle
⇐ Open a Cursor Variable in Oracle
2018-07-18, 1728🔥, 0💬
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