What Is a Directory Object in Oracle
What Is a Directory Object in Oracle?
A directory object is a logical alias for a physical directory path name on the operating system. Directory objects can be created, dropped, and granted access permissions to different users. The following tutorial exercise shows you some good examples:
>sqlplus /nolog SQL> connect SYSTEM/fyicenter SQL> CREATE DIRECTORY test_dir AS '/oraclexe/test'; Directory created. SQL> GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY test_dir TO hr; Grant succeeded. SQL> GRANT WRITE ON DIRECTORY test_dir TO hr; Grant succeeded. SQL> CREATE DIRECTORY temp_dir AS '/oraclexe/temp'; Directory created. SQL> DROP DIRECTORY temp_dir; Directory dropped.
⇒ Define External Table in a Text File in Oracle
⇐ Restrictions on External Table Columns in Oracle
2016-10-15, 1940🔥, 0💬
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