Invoke the Data Pump Export Utility in Oracle
How To Invoke the Data Pump Export Utility in Oracle?
The Data Pump Export utility is distributed as executable file called "expdp.exe". To invoke this utility, you should go to the "bin" directory of your Oracle server installation and run the "expdp" command. Here is tutorial exercise on how to invoke the export utility:
>cd \oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\BIN >expdp help=y Export: Release - The Data Pump export utility provides a mechanism for transferring data objects between Oracle databases. The utility is invoked with the following command: Example: expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=dmpdir DUMPFILE=scott.dmp You can control how Export runs by entering the 'expdp' command followed by various parameters: Format: expdp KEYWORD=value or KEYWORD=(value1,value2,...,valueN) Example: expdp scott/tiger DUMPFILE=scott.dmp DIRECTORY=dmpdir SCHEMAS=scott or TABLES=(T1:P1,T1:P2) USERID must be the first parameter on the command line. Keyword Description (Default) ------------------------------------------------------------ ATTACH Attach to existing job, e.g. ATTACH [=job name COMPRESSION Reduce size of dumpfile contents where valid keyword values are: (METADATA_ONLY) and NONE. DIRECTORY Directory object to be used for dumpfiles DUMPFILE List of destination dump files (expdat.dmp). FLASHBACK_SCN SCN used to set session snapshot back to. FULL Export entire database (N). HELP Display Help messages (N). ......
⇒ Invoke the Data Pump Import Utility in Oracle
⇐ Data Pump Import Utility in Oracle
2016-10-15, 1956🔥, 0💬
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