Predefined User Accounts in MySQL


What Are the Predefined User Accounts in MySQL?



There is only one predefined user account called "root":

  • "root" was created during the installation process.
  • "root" has no password initially. You need to assign a new password as soon as you finishes the installation.
  • "root" has all access privileges granted.

Here is a tutorial exercise to check the "root" user account:

>cd \mysql\bin
>mysql -u root

mysql> USE mysql;
Database changed

mysql> SELECT User, Password, Shutdown_priv, Create_priv 
    -> FROM user WHERE User = 'root';
| User | Password | Shutdown_priv | Create_priv |
| root |          | Y             | Y           |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


Adding a New User Account in MySQL

What Is a User Account in MySQL

Managing User Accounts and Access Privileges in MySQL

⇑⇑ MySQL Database Tutorials

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