FOUND_ROWS() - Row Count from Last SELECT Statement


How to obtain the number of rows found by the last SELECT statement using the FOUND_ROWS() function?



FOUND_ROWS() is a MySQL built-in function that returns the number of rows found by the last SELECT statement. For example:

SELECT help_topic_id, name FROM mysql.help_topic;
  -- +---------------+------------------------------------+
  -- | help_topic_id | name                               |
  -- +---------------+------------------------------------+
  -- |            65 | !                                  |
  -- |            47 | !=                                 |
  -- |           140 | %                                  |
  -- |           238 | &                                  |
  -- |           137 | *                                  |
  -- ...
  -- +---------------+------------------------------------+
682 rows in set (0.01 sec)

  -- +--------------+
  -- | FOUND_ROWS() |
  -- +--------------+
  -- |          682 |
  -- +--------------+

If the LIMIT clause is used in the SELECT statement, you need to use the "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS" statement to give you the correct total rows found value. For example:

SELECT help_topic_id, name FROM mysql.help_topic LIMIT 3;
  -- +---------------+------+
  -- | help_topic_id | name |
  -- +---------------+------+
  -- |            65 | !    |
  -- |            47 | !=   |
  -- |           140 | %    |
  -- +---------------+------+

  -- +--------------+
  -- | FOUND_ROWS() |
  -- +--------------+
  -- |            3 |
  -- +--------------+

SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS help_topic_id, name FROM mysql.help_topic LIMIT 3;
  -- +---------------+------+
  -- | help_topic_id | name |
  -- +---------------+------+
  -- |            65 | !    |
  -- |            47 | !=   |
  -- |           140 | %    |
  -- +---------------+------+

  -- +--------------+
  -- | FOUND_ROWS() |
  -- +--------------+
  -- |          682 |
  -- +--------------+

Reference information of the FOUND_ROWS() function:

FOUND_ROWS(): count
  Returns the number of rows found by the last SELECT statement.

Arguments, return value and availability:
  count: Return value. The number of rows found by the last SELECT statement.
  Available since MySQL 4.0.


ICU_VERSION() - ICU (International Components for Unicode) Version

DATABASE() - Name of Current Database

MySQL Functions on System Information

⇑⇑ MySQL Function References

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