Transaction Commit When Session Ended in Oracle
What Happens to the Current Transaction If the Session Is Ended in Oracle?
If a session is ended, the current transaction in that session will be committed and ended. All the database changes made in the current transaction will become permanent. This is called an implicit commit when session is ended. The following tutorial exercise shows you that the "disconnect" command forces the current transaction to be committed and ended. When the session is reconnected, you can see the changes made by the UPDATE statements.
SQL> connect HR/fyicenter SQL> UPDATE fyi_links SET url = 'FYICENTER.COM' 2 WHERE id = 101; SQL> UPDATE fyi_links SET url = 'CENTERFYI.COM' 2 WHERE id = 110; SQL> disconnect SQL> connect HR/fyicenter SQL> SELECT * FROM fyi_links; ID URL NOTES COUNTS CREATED ------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- --------- 101 FYICENTER.COM 07-MAY-06 110 CENTERFYI.COM 07-MAY-06 112 07-MAY-06 113 07-MAY-06
⇒ Transaction Rollback When Session Killed in Oracle
⇐ Transaction Commit When DDL Statement Executed in Oracle
2019-08-23, 1722🔥, 0💬
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