Empty Your Recycle Bin in Oracle
How To Empty Your Recycle Bin in Oracle?
If your recycle bin is full, or you just want to clean your recycle bin to get rid of all the dropped tables, you can empty it by using the PURGE statement in two formats:
Here is an example script on how to use the PURGE statement:
SQL> connect HR/fyicenter Connected. SQL> CREATE TABLE emp_dept_10 2 AS SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id=10; Table created. SQL> DROP TABLE emp_dept_10; Table dropped. SQL> CREATE TABLE emp_dept_90 2 AS SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id=90; Table created. SQL> DROP TABLE emp_dept_90; Table dropped. SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM recyclebin; COUNT(*) ---------- 5 SQL> PURGE TABLE emp_dept_90; Table purged. SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM recyclebin; COUNT(*) ---------- 4 SQL> PURGE RECYCLEBIN; Recyclebin purged. SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM recyclebin; COUNT(*) ---------- 0
⇒ Turn On and Off Recycle Bin for the Session in Oracle
⇐ Show Dropped Tables in Recycle Bin in Oracle
2019-05-10, 1780🔥, 0💬
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