Turn On and Off Recycle Bin for the Session in Oracle


How To Turn On or Off Recycle Bin for the Session in Oracle?

✍: FYIcenter.com


If you want to control the recycle bin feature in your own session, you can use the ALTER SESSION statement to turn on or off. Here is an example SQL script:

SQL> connect HR/fyicenter

SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM recyclebin;

SQL> ALTER SESSION SET recyclebin = off;
Session altered.

SQL> CREATE TABLE emp_dept_90 
  2  AS SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id=90;
Table created.

SQL> DROP TABLE emp_dept_90;
Table dropped.

SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM recyclebin;

Warning: Turning off the recycle bin feature in your session will give yourself hard times on recovering dropped tables.


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Managing Oracle Database Tables

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2019-05-10, 1748🔥, 0💬