Insert a RECORD into a Table in Oracle
How To Insert a RECORD into a Table in Oracle?
If you have a RECORD variable with data fields matching a table structure, you can insert a row to this table with this RECORD variable using the INSERT statement as shown in the example below:
CREATE TABLE emp_temp AS SELECT * FROM employees; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE FYI_CENTER AS manager employees%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT * INTO manager FROM employees WHERE employee_id = 100; manager.employee_id := 299; INSERT INTO emp_temp VALUES manager; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('# rows inserted = ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT); END; / # rows inserted = 1
⇒ Update a Table Row with a RECORD in Oracle
⇐ Assign a Table Row to RECORD Variable in Oracle
2018-08-14, 1678🔥, 0💬
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