Working with Database Objects in Oracle PL/SQL
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Working with Database Objects in Oracle PL/SQL?
Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by DBA team on Working with Database Objects in Oracle PL/SQL. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on running DML statements, assign table data to variables, using the implicit cursor, defining and using RECORDs with table rows.
Use DML Statements in PL/SQL in Oracle
Cannot Use DDL Statements in PL/SQL in Oracle
Use Variables in SQL Statements in Oracle
Variable Names Collide with Column Names in Oracle
Name Conflicts between Variables and Columns in Oracle
Assign Query Results to Variables in Oracle
Error: Exact Fetch Returns More Rows in Oracle
Invoke Built-in Functions in PL/SQL in Oracle
Retrieve the Count of Updated Rows in Oracle
Assign Data from a Deleted Row to Variables in Oracle
What Is a RECORD in PL/SQL in Oracle
Define a Specific RECORD Type in Oracle
Define a Variable for a Specific RECORD Type in Oracle
Assign Field Values into RECORD Variables in Oracle
Retrieve Field Values from RECORD Variables in Oracle
Define a Data Field as NOT NULL in Oracle
Define a RECORD Variable for a Table Row in Oracle
Assign a Table Row to RECORD Variable in Oracle
Insert a RECORD into a Table in Oracle
Sample scripts used in this FAQ collection assumes that you are connected to the server with the HR user account on the default database instance XE. See other FAQ collections on how to connect to the server. It is also assumed that you are using SQL*Plus to practice the tutorial exercises.
⇒ Use DML Statements in PL/SQL in Oracle
2018-10-13, 1798🔥, 0💬
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