Retrieve Field Values from RECORD Variables in Oracle
How To Retrieve Values from Data Fields in RECORD Variables in Oracle?
If a variable is a RECORD variable with data fields assigned values, you can retrieve those values out of its data fields by using fields names prefixed with variable name as "variable.field_name". Here is a sample script showing you how to retrieve field values from RECORD variables:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE HELLO AS TYPE student IS RECORD ( id NUMBER(5), first_name VARCHAR(80), last_name VARCHAR(80) ); best_student student; another_student student; class_name VARCHAR2(80); BEGIN class_name := 'FYI Center 2006'; best_student.first_name := 'The'; best_student.last_name := 'Best'; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Best student = ' || best_student.first_name || ' ' || best_student.last_name); END; / Best student = The Best
⇒ Define a Data Field as NOT NULL in Oracle
⇐ Assign Field Values into RECORD Variables in Oracle
2018-09-01, 1614🔥, 0💬
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