Backup Tables by Copying MyISAM Files in MySQL


How To Backup Tables by Copying MyISAM Table Files in MySQL?



To easiest way to backup MyISAM tables is to copy the data files to a backup directory. But this is not the recommended way to do backups. Read the backup FAQ collections for more details.

The following tutorial exercise shows you how to add a new index to "fyi_isam" table, add two rows, and copy "fyi_isam" table files to a backup directory:

>\mysql\bin\mysql -u dev -piyf fyi

mysql> CREATE INDEX fyi_isam_count ON fyi_isam (count);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.11 sec)
Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> INSERT INTO fyi_isam (id) VALUES(-1);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO fyi_isam (id, count) VALUES(-2, 987);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)

mysqk> quit

>mkdir \mysql\backup
>mkdir \mysql\backup\fyi

>copy \mysql\data\fyi\my_isam.* \mysql\backup\fyi
        3 file(s) copied.

>dir \mysql\backup\fyi
   8,620 fyi_isam.frm
      40 fyi_isam.MYD
   3,072 fyi_isam.MYI


Restore Tables by Copying MyISAM Files in MySQL

Data File for MyISAM Storage Engine in MySQL

Storage Engines: MyISAM, InnoDB and BDB in MySQL

⇑⇑ MySQL Database Tutorials

2017-09-01, 1795🔥, 0💬