Defining the Name and Server for a new DSN


How To Define the Name and Server for a new DSN?

✍: Guest


Continuing from the previous tutorial, on the first screen of the "Create a New Data Source to SQL Server" wizard, you should enter 3 fields: Name, Description, and Server as suggested below:

Description: SQL Server
ODBC DSN setting for SQL Server
ODBC DSN setting for SQL Server

Note that the name and description can be decided by yourself. But the server must be the network machine name where the SQL Server is running. In this example, LOCALHOST is the machine name for your local system.

Click Next and continue with the next tutorial to finish up creating a new DSN.


Providing Login Information for a New ODBC DSN

Adding a New DSN with the ODBC Driver for SQL Server

Configuring ODBC Connection and DSN for SQL Servers

⇑⇑ SQL Server Connection Tutorials

2024-08-06, 1315🔥, 0💬