SQL Server Connection Tutorials


Where to find SQL Server Connection tutorials? I am having trouble to connect to my SQL Server.

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Here is a collection of tutorials, tips and FAQs on how to connect your client tools and client application programs to SQL server.

SQL Server Connection Concepts

SQL Server Connection Protocols

SQL Server TCP/IP Connection Info

Configuring ODBC Connection and DSN for SQL Servers

What Is ODBC (Open Database Communication)?

Adding a New DSN with the ODBC Driver for SQL Server

Defining the Name and Server for a new DSN

Providing Login Information for a New ODBC DSN

Getting "Connection failed" Error on ODBC DSN Creation

Requirements on SQL Server Network Connections

Starting SQL Server Browser Service

Enabling TCP/IP Protocol on a SQL Server

Verifying the Port Number of the SQL Server

Configuring ODBC DSN with Different Port Numbers

Configuring and Testing ODBC DSN Settings

Connecting MS Access to SQL Servers through ODBC

Connecting Windows Applications to SQL Servers via ODBC

SQL Server FAQs - PHP ODBC Functions - Connection and Query Execution

Requirements to Use ODBC Connections in PHP

Commonly Used ODBC Functions in PHP

Testing ODBC DSN Connection Settings

odbc_connect() - Connecting to a SQL Server through an ODBC DSN

odbc_data_source() - Listing All DSN Entries

odbc_exec() - Executing SQL Statements

odbc_errormsg() - Retrieving ODBC Error Messages

Turning Off PHP Warning Messages for ODBC Connection

Returning Result from Query with ODBC Connection

odbc_fetch_row() - Looping through Result Set Objects

odbc_result() - Retrieve Field Values

odbc_tables() - Listing All Tables in the Database

odbc_columns() - Listing All Columns in a Table

odbc_prepare() - Creating Prepared Statements

SQL Server FAQs - PHP ODBC Functions - Managing Tables and Data Rows

PHP ODBC - Creating a New Table

PHP ODBC - Inserting Data into an Existing Table

PHP ODBC - Inserting Multiple Rows with a Subquery

PHP ODBC - odbc_num_rows() - Number of Affected Rows

PHP ODBC - Returning Result Set Objects

PHP ODBC - odbc_fetch_array() - Looping through Returning Rows

PHP ODBC - Updating Existing Rows in a Table

PHP ODBC - Deleting Existing Rows in a Table

PHP ODBC - Including Text Values in SQL Statements

PHP ODBC - Including Date and Time Values in SQL Statements

PHP ODBC - Computing Date and Time Differences

PHP ODBC - Searching Records by Keywords

PHP ODBC - Query Multiple Tables Jointly

PHP ODBC - Creating an Identity Column

SQL Server FAQs - PHP MSSQL Functions - Connections and Query Execution

Downloading and Installing PHP on Windows

Checking Your PHP Installation

Requirements for Connecting PHP to MS SQL Server

Turning on the MSSQL API Module

ntwdblib.dll - SQL Server Client Library DLL

Missing ntwdblib.dll for MSSQL connection

Finding ntwdblib.dll Version 2000.80.194.0

mssql_connect() - Connecting to Different Port Numbers

Commonly Used MSSQL Functions in PHP

mssql_close() - Disconnecting from a SQL Server

mssql_select_db() - Selecting an Exiting Database

mssql_query() - Executing SQL Statements

mssql_get_last_message() - Retrieving Error Messages

Turning Off PHP Warning Messages for MSSQL Connection

Returning Result from Query with MSSQL Connection

mssql_fetch_array() - Looping through Result Set Objects

mssql_result() - Retrieve Field Values

mssql_field_name() - Retrieve Field Names

SQL Server FAQs - PHP MSSQL Functions - Managing Tables and Data Rows

PHP MSSQL - Creating a New Table

PHP MSSQL - Dropping an Existing Table

PHP MSSQL - Inserting Data into an Existing Table

PHP MSSQL - Making Columns to Take NULL

PHP MSSQL - Inserting Data with NULL Values

PHP MSSQL - Inserting Multiple Rows with a Subquery

PHP MSSQL - mssql_rows_affected() - Number of Affected Rows

PHP MSSQL - Returning Result Set Objects

PHP MSSQL - mssql_fetch_array() - Looping through Returning Rows

PHP MSSQL - Updating Existing Rows in a Table

PHP MSSQL - Deleting Existing Rows in a Table

PHP MSSQL - Including Text Values in SQL Statements

PHP MSSQL - Including Date and Time Values in SQL Statements

PHP MSSQL - Computing Date and Time Differences

PHP MSSQL - Searching Records by Keywords

PHP MSSQL - Query Multiple Tables Jointly

PHP MSSQL - Creating an Identity Column

SQL Server FAQs - Introduction to DTS (Data Transformation Services)

What Is DTS

Installing DTS on Windows XP Systems

Starting DTS Wizard

Defining SQL Server 2005 as the DTS Data Source

Defining Excel Files as the DTS Data Destination

Copying a Table from Source to Destination

Preparing Data in Text Files for DTS to Import

Defining Text Files as the DTS Data Source

Defining SQL Server 2005 as the DTS Data Destination

Data Formats Supported by DTS

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SQL Server Connection Concepts

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