What Is DTS


What Is DTS (Data Transformation Services)?

✍: Guest


DTS (Data Transformation Services) is a SQL Server database management wizard tool that allows you to import, export, and transform heterogeneous data. The DTS wizard tool guides you through the steps to import or export data between many popular data formats including databases, spreadsheets, and text files.

DTS was first introduced as a component of SQL Server 7.0

DTS was supported in SQL Server 8.0 (SQL Server 2000)

In SQL Server 2005, DTS has been replaced by SSIS (SQL Server 2005 Integration Services)


Installing DTS on Windows XP Systems

SQL Server FAQs - Introduction to DTS (Data Transformation Services)

SQL Server FAQs - Introduction to DTS (Data Transformation Services)

⇑⇑ SQL Server Connection Tutorials

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