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What Is a Database Table in Oracle
What Is a Database Table in Oracle? A database table is a basic unit of data logical storage in an Oracle database. Data is stored in rows and columns. You define a table with a table name, such as employees, and a set of columns. You give each column a column name, such as employee_id, last_name, a...
2020-11-22, 2587🔥, 0💬

Connect SQL*Plus Session to Oracle Server in Oracle
How To Connect a SQL*Plus Session to an Oracle Server in Oracle? In order to connect a SQL*Plus session to an Oracle server, you need to: 1. Obtain the connection information from the Oracle server DBA. 2. Define a new "connect identifier" called "FYI_XE" in your tnsnames.org file with the given con...
2020-08-13, 2582🔥, 0💬

Export Data to a CSV File in Oracle
How To Export Data to a CSV File in Oracle? If you want to export data from a table to a file in CSV format, you can use the following steps: Right-click the table name, EMPLOYEES, in the object tree view. Select Export. Select CSV. The Export Data window shows up. Click Format tab. Select Format as...
2019-01-26, 2564🔥, 0💬

Drop a Stored Function in Oracle
How To Drop a Stored Function in Oracle? If there is an existing stored function and you don't want it any more, you can remove it from the database by using the DROP FUNCTION statement as shown in the following script example: SQL&gt; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GET_SITE 2 RETURN VARCHAR2 AS 3 B...
2018-10-26, 2559🔥, 0💬

Generate Query Output in HTML Format in Oracle
How To Generate Query Output in HTML Format in Oracle? If you want your query output to be generated in HTML format, you can use the "SET MARKUP HTML ON" to turn on the HTML feature. The following tutorial exercise gives you a good example: SQL&gt; connect HR/retneciyf SQL&gt; SET MARKUP HTM...
2020-07-15, 2545🔥, 0💬

Introduction to Oracle Database 10g Express Edition
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Oracle Database 10g Express Edition? I want to learn how to install Oracle database. Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com DBA team on Oracle Database 10g Express Edition with installation instr...
2020-05-15, 2544🔥, 0💬

Error: Could not Resolve the Connect Identifier in Oracle
What Happens If You Use a Wrong Connect Identifier in Oracle? Of course, you will get an error, if you use a wrong connect identifier. Here is an example of how SQL*Plus react to a wrong connect identifier: SQL&gt; CONNECT fyi/retneciyf@WRONG; ERROR: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect ...
2020-08-13, 2538🔥, 0💬

What Is a Table Index in Oracle
What Is a Table Index in Oracle? Index is an optional structure associated with a table that allow SQL statements to execute more quickly against a table. Just as the index in this manual helps you locate information faster than if there were no index, an Oracle Database index provides a faster acce...
2020-11-22, 2530🔥, 0💬

Use "IN OUT" Parameters in Oracle
How To Use "IN OUT" Parameter Properly in Oracle? Here are the rules about IN OUT parameters: A formal IN OUT parameter acts like an initialized variable. An actual IN OUT parameter must be a variable. An actual IN OUT parameter passes a copy of its value to the formal parameter when entering the pr...
2018-10-19, 2508🔥, 0💬

What Is a User Role in Oracle
What Is a User Role in Oracle? A user role is a group of privileges. Privileges are assigned to users through user roles. You create new roles, grant privileges to the roles, and then grant roles to users.   ⇒ What Is a Database Schema in Oracle ⇐ Relations of a User Account and a Schema in Oracle ...
2020-11-22, 2503🔥, 0💬

Save Query Output to a Local File in Oracle
How To Save Query Output to a Local File in Oracle? Normally, when you run a SELECT statement in SQL*Plus, the output will be displayed on your screen. If you want the output to be saved to local file, you can use the "SPOOL fileName" command to specify a local file and start the spooling feature. W...
2020-07-15, 2475🔥, 0💬

What Is a Static Data Dictionary in Oracle
What Is a Static Data Dictionary in Oracle? Data dictionary tables are not directly accessible, but you can access information in them through data dictionary views. To list the data dictionary views available to you, query the view DICTIONARY. Many data dictionary tables have three corresponding vi...
2020-10-26, 2467🔥, 0💬

Change SQL*Plus System Settings in Oracle
How To Change SQL*Plus System Settings in Oracle? SQL*Plus environment is controlled a big list of SQL*Plus system settings. You can change them by using the SET command as shown in the following list: SET AUTOCOMMIT OFF - Turns off the auto-commit feature. SET FEEDBACK OFF - Stops displaying the "2...
2020-07-22, 2458🔥, 0💬

Shutdown 10g XE Server in Oracle
How To Shutdown Your 10g XE Server in Oracle? If you want to shutdown your 10g Express Edition server, go to the Services manager in the control panel. You will a service called OracleServiceXE, which represents your 10g Express Edition server. Select OracleServiceXE, and use the right mouse click t...
2020-10-10, 2444🔥, 0💬

Managing Oracle User Accounts, Schema and Privileges
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Managing Oracle User Accounts, Schema and Privileges? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com DBA team on Managing Oracle User Accounts, Schema and Privileges. Clear answers are provided with tuto...
2019-07-30, 2421🔥, 0💬

What Is SQL*Loader in Oracle
What Is SQL*Loader in Oracle? SQL*Loader is a database tool that allows to load data from external files into database tables. SQL*Loader is available as part of the free Oracle 10g Expression Edition. It has some interesting features as: Can load data from multiple data files into multiple tables i...
2018-06-12, 2420🔥, 0💬

Formal Parameters and Actual Parameters in Oracle
What Is the Difference between Formal Parameters and Actual Parameters in Oracle? Formal parameter and actual parameter are two different terms related parameters used in the procedures and functions: A formal parameter is a term used to refer to a parameter defined in the procedure or function decl...
2018-03-18, 2417🔥, 0💬

What Is an Oracle Data File in Oracle
What Is an Oracle Data File in Oracle? An Oracle data file is a big unit of physical storage in the OS file system. One or many Oracle data files are organized together to provide physical storage to a single Oracle tablespace.   ⇒ What Is a Static Data Dictionary in Oracle ⇐ What Is an Oracle Tabl...
2020-10-26, 2395🔥, 0💬

Open Multiple Cursors at the Same Time in Oracle
Can Multiple Cursors Being Opened at the Same Time in Oracle? Yes, multiple cursors can be opened at the same time. See the following example: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE FYI_CENTER AS CURSOR emp_cur IS SELECT * FROM employees; emp_rec employees%ROWTYPE; CURSOR dpt_cur IS SELECT * FROM departments; ...
2018-04-07, 2394🔥, 0💬

Main Features of SQL*Plus in Oracle
What Is SQL*Plus in Oracle? SQL*Plus is an interactive and batch query tool that is installed with every Oracle Database Server or Client installation. It has a command-line user interface, a Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI) and the iSQL*Plus web-based user interface. SQL*Plus has its own comm...
2020-08-25, 2378🔥, 0💬

Error: Exact Fetch Returns More Rows in Oracle
Can You Assign Multiple Query Result Rows To a Variable in Oracle? You can use "SELECT ... INTO variable" to assign query results to variables. But what happens if the SELECT statements return multiple rows? The answer is that you will get a run time error. The following tutorial exercise shows this...
2018-09-24, 2377🔥, 0💬

Import One Table back from a Dump File in Oracle
How To Import One Table Back from a Dump File in Oracle? If you only want to import one table back to the database, you can use a dump file that was created by full export, schema export or a table export. The following tutorial exercise shows you how to import the "fyi_links" table from a dump file...
2016-10-15, 2365🔥, 0💬

Windows Applications Connect to Oracle Servers in Oracle
How Can Windows Applications Connect to Oracle Servers in Oracle? A Windows application can connect to an Oracle server directly, if it knows how to use the Oracle TNS technology. A Windows application can connect to an Oracle server indirectly through Windows ODBC manager, because it offers ODBC dr...
2016-10-15, 2358🔥, 0💬

Show All Tablespaces in the Current Database in Oracle
How To View Tablespaces in the Current Database in Oracle? If you want to get a list of all tablespaces used in the current database instance, you can use the DBA_TABLESPACES view as shown in the following SQL script example: SQL&gt; connect SYSTEM/fyicenter Connected. SQL&gt; SELECT TABLESP...
2019-01-20, 2356🔥, 0💬

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