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Import One Table back from a Dump File in Oracle
How To Import One Table Back from a Dump File in Oracle? If you only want to import one table back to the database, you can use a dump file that was created by full export, schema export or a table export. The following tutorial exercise shows you how to import the "fyi_links" table from a dump file...
2016-10-15, 2389🔥, 0💬

Output Spooling in SQL*Plus in Oracle
What Is Output Spooling in SQL*Plus in Oracle? The output spooling a nice feature of the command-line SQL*Plus tool. If the spooling feature is turned on, SQL*Plus will send a carbon copy of the everything on your screen to a specified local file. Output spooling is used mostly for quick dump of dat...
2020-07-15, 2378🔥, 0💬

Create a Stored Function in Oracle
How To Create a Stored Function in Oracle? A stored function is a function with a specified name and stored into the current database. If you want to create a stored function, you can use the CREATE FUNCTION statement. The example script below creates a stored procedure: SQL&gt; CREATE OR REPLAC...
2018-11-11, 2372🔥, 0💬

Show Table Columns Used in an Index in Oracle
How To See the Table Columns Used in an Index in Oracle? You can a list of indexes in your schema from the USER_INDEXES view, but it will not give you the columns used in each index in the USER_INDEXES view. If you want to see the columns used in an index, you can use the USER_IND_COLUMNS view. Here...
2019-04-17, 2362🔥, 0💬

Change System Global Area (SGA) in Oracle
How To Change System Global Area (SGA) in Oracle? Your 10g XE server has a default setting for System Global Area (SGA) of 140MB. The SGA size can be changed to a new value depending on how many concurrent sessions connecting to your server. If you are running this server just for yourself to improv...
2020-09-30, 2309🔥, 0💬

Create a Test Table for Transaction Testing in Oracle
How To Create a Test Table for Transaction Testing in Oracle? If you want to practice DML statements, you should create a testing table as shown in the script below: &gt;cd (OracleXE home directory) &gt;.\bin\sqlplus /nolog SQL&gt; connect HR/fyicenter Connected. SQL&gt; CREATE TABLE...
2019-09-04, 2300🔥, 0💬

Types of Commands Executed in SQL*Plus in Oracle
What Types of Commands Can Be Executed in SQL*Plus in Oracle? There are 4 types of commands you can run at the SQL*Plus command line prompt: 1. SQL commands - Standard SQL statements to be executed on target database on the Oracle server. For example: "SELECT * FROM fyi_faq;" is a SQL command. 2. PL...
2020-08-13, 2295🔥, 0💬

Start the Command-Line SQL*Plus in Oracle
How To Start the Command-Line SQL*Plus in Oracle? If you Oracle server or client installed on your windows system, you can start the command-line SQL*Plus in two ways: 1. Click Start &gt; All Programs &gt; Oracle ... &gt; Start SQL Command Line. The SQL*Plus command window will show up w...
2020-08-25, 2286🔥, 0💬

Verify 10g XE Server Installation in Oracle
How To Check Your Oracle Database 10g XE Installation in Oracle? If you want to check your fresh installation of 10g Express Edition without using any special client programs, you can use a Web browser with this address, http://localhost:8080/apex/. You will see the login page. Enter SYSTEM as the u...
2020-05-05, 2283🔥, 0💬

Define DSN with ODBC Manager in Oracle
How To Define a Data Source Name (DSN) in ODBC Manager in Oracle? DSN (Data Source Name) is an ODBC connection identifier for Windows applications. Here is how you can define a DSN on your Windows system: Go to Control Panel. Go to Administrative Tools. Run Data Sources (ODBC). Go to System DSN tab....
2016-10-15, 2277🔥, 0💬

Start 10g XE Server from Command Line in Oracle
How To Start Your 10g XE Server from Command Line in Oracle? You can start your 10g XE server from command line by: Open a command line window. Change directory to \oraclexe\app\oracle\product\1 0.2.0\server\BIN\.Run StartDB.bat. The batch file StartDB.bat contains: net start OracleXETNSListener net...
2020-10-10, 2275🔥, 0💬

SQL*Plus Environment Variables in Oracle
What Are SQL*Plus Environment Variables in Oracle? Behaviors of SQL*Plus are also controlled a some environment variables predefined on the local operating system. Here are some commonly used SQL*Plus environment variables: ORACLE_HOME - The home directory where your Oracle client application is ins...
2020-07-22, 2270🔥, 0💬

Concatenate Two Text Values in Oracle
How To Concatenate Two Text Values in Oracle? There are two ways to concatenate two text values together: CONCAT() function. '||' operation. Here is some examples on how to use them: SELECT 'FYI' || 'Center' || '.com' FROM DUAL; FYICenter.com SELECT CONCAT('FYICenter','.com') FROM DUAL; FYICenter.co...
2019-12-02, 2261🔥, 0💬

Differences between BLOB and CLOB in Oracle
What Are the Differences between BLOB and CLOB in Oracle? The main differences between BLOB and CLOB are: BLOB stores values as LOB (Large OBject) in bitstreams. CLOB stores values as LOB (Large OBject) in character steams.   ⇒ ANSI Data Types in Oracle ⇐ Differences between INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH ...
2020-04-14, 2258🔥, 0💬

Perform a Full Database Export in Oracle
How To Do a Full Database Export in Oracle? If you are ready to do a full database export, you can use the FULL=y parameter on the expdp command, as shown in the following tutorial exercise: &gt;expdp SYSTEM/fyicenter FULL=y ESTIMATE_ONLY=y Starting "SYSTEM"."SYS_EXPORT_FULL_01": SYSTEM/**** FUL...
2016-10-15, 2256🔥, 0💬

SQL*Plus Commands Stored in a File in Oracle
How Run SQL*Plus Commands That Are Stored in a Local File in Oracle? If you have a group of commands that you need to run them repeatedly every day, you can save those commands in a file (called SQL script file), and using the "@fileName" command to run them in SQL*Plus. If you want to try this, cre...
2020-06-08, 2253🔥, 0💬

Run PL/SQL Statements in SQL*Plus in Oracle
How To Run PL/SQL Statements in SQL*Plus in Oracle? If you want to run a single PL/SQL statement in SQL*Plus, you need to use the EXECUTE command as shown in the following tutorial example: SQL&gt; SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SQL&gt; EXECUTE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Welcome to FYIcenter!') Welcome to F...
2020-07-22, 2243🔥, 0💬

User Account and Schema: One-to-One Relation in Oracle
What Is the Relation of a User Account and a Schema in Oracle? User accounts and schemas have a one-to-one relation. When you create a user, you are also implicitly creating a schema for that user. A schema is a logical container for the database objects (such as tables, views, triggers, and so on) ...
2019-07-30, 2238🔥, 0💬

Memory Usage of 10g XE Server in Oracle
How Much Memory Your 10g XE Server Is Using in Oracle? Your 10g XE Server is using about 180MB of memory even there is no users on the server. The server memory usage is displayed on your server home page, if you log in as SYSTEM.   ⇒ Start 10g XE Server from Command Line in Oracle ⇐ Start 10g XE S...
2020-10-10, 2231🔥, 0💬

What Is a SQL*Loader Control File in Oracle
What Is a SQL*Loader Control File in Oracle? A SQL*Loader control file a text that defines how data files should be loaded into the database. It allows you to specify: Where is the input data file. The format of the input date file. The target table where the data should be loaded. How input data fi...
2016-11-27, 2218🔥, 0💬

Create a New Table with SELECT Statements in Oracle
How To Create a New Table by Selecting Rows from Another Table in Oracle? Let's say you have a table with many data rows, now you want to create a backup copy of this table of all rows or a subset of them, you can use the CREATE TABLE...AS SELECT statement to do this. Here is an example script: &...
2020-02-29, 2209🔥, 0💬

User Role: Group of Privileges in Oracle
What Is a User Role in Oracle? A user role is a group of privileges. Privileges are assigned to users through user roles. You create new roles, grant privileges to the roles, and then grant roles to users.   ⇒ System Defined User Roles in Oracle ⇐ User Account and Schema: One-to-One Relation in Ora...
2019-07-30, 2202🔥, 0💬

What Is a Recycle Bin in Oracle
What Is a Recycle Bin in Oracle? Recycle bin is a logical storage to hold the tables that have been dropped from the database, in case it was dropped in error. Tables in recycle bin can be recovered back into database by the Flashback Drop action. Oracle database recycle save the same purpose as the...
2020-10-26, 2201🔥, 0💬

Run SQL*Plus Commands in SQL Developer in Oracle
How To Run SQL*Plus Commands in SQL Developer in Oracle? Most of the time, you only run SQL statements in SQL Worksheet, the SQL statement area. But you can also run some SQL*Plus commands in SQL Worksheet. The example below shows you how to run the DECRIBE command in SQL Developer: Go to SQL Worksh...
2018-10-08, 2198🔥, 0💬

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