<< < 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 > >>   ∑:1248  Sort:Rank

"CREATE SCHEMA" - Creating a New Schema in a Database in SQL Server
How To Create a New Schema in a Database in SQL Server? If you want to create a new schema in an existing database, you can use the "CREATE SCHEMA" statement as shown in the tutorial example below: USE FyiCenterData; GO CREATE SCHEMA fyi; GO Command(s) completed successfully. A new schema called "fy...
2016-10-22, 1260🔥, 0💬

sys.server_principals - Listing All Login Names in SQL Server
How To List All Login Names on the Server in SQL Server? If you want to see a list of all login names defined on the server, you can use the system view, sys.server_principals as shown in this tutorial exercise: -- Login with sa SELECT name, sid, type, type_desc FROM sys.server_principals WHERE type...
2016-10-20, 4997🔥, 0💬

Managing Security, Login and User in SQL Server
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Managing Security, Login and User in SQL Server? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com DBA team on Managing Security, Login and User in SQL Server. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exerc...
2016-10-20, 3367🔥, 0💬

Suser_Sname() - Sever Level Security Principal of Your Session in SQL Server
What Is the Security Principal at the Server Level That Represents Your Session in SQL Server? Security principal identifies who you are when you interact with the SQL Server. What can do you at the server level solely depends on the security principal that represents you. So it is very important to...
2016-10-20, 2276🔥, 0💬

User_Name() - Database Level Security Principal of Your Session in SQL Server
What Is the Security Principal at the Database Level That Represents Your Session in SQL Server? Security principal identifies who you are when you interact with the SQL Server. What can do you at the database solely depends on the security principal that represents you. So it is very important to k...
2016-10-20, 2146🔥, 0💬

Verifying a Login Name with SQLCMD Tool in SQL Server
How To Verify a Login name with SQLCMD Tool in SQL Server? The quickest way to verify a login name on a SQL Server is probably to use the SQLCMD tool, which takes the server name, login name and password in a single command line. Here is how to try it yourself: Start a command window and enter the f...
2016-10-20, 1556🔥, 0💬

"ALTER LOGIN" - Changing the Password of a Login Name in SQL Server
How To Change the Password of a Login Name in SQL Server? If a developer lost the password of his or her login name, you can reset the password with the "ALTER LOGIN" statement as shown in this tutorial example: -- Login with sa ALTER LOGIN FYI_DBA WITH PASSWORD = 'fyicenter'; GO Command(s) complete...
2016-10-20, 1471🔥, 0💬

"CREATE LOGIN" - Creating a New Login Name in SQL Server
How To Create a New Login Name in SQL Server in SQL Server? In previous tutorials, it is assumed that you use the "sa" (System Administrator) login name to connect to your SQL Server. But that is not what a normal developer uses to connect to the server, since "sa" has the ALL permissions granted. Y...
2016-10-20, 1429🔥, 0💬

"DROP SCHEMA" - Dropping an Existing Schema in SQL Server
How To Drop an Existing Schema in SQL Server? If you want to delete a schema, you need to move all objects out of that schema, then use the "DROP SCHEMA" statement to delete the schema. The tutorial exercise below shows you how to drop schema "fyi": -- Login with "sa" USE FyiCenterData; GO -- Drop f...
2016-10-20, 1400🔥, 0💬

Security Principals Used in SQL Server 2005 in SQL Server
What Are Security Principals Used in SQL Server 2005 in SQL Server? SQL Server 2005 supports several basic security principals located at different levels: Windows-Level Principals: Windows Local Login and Windows Network Domain Login - Used to control accesses to SQL Server instances. SQL Server-Le...
2016-10-20, 1296🔥, 0💬

Security Model Used in SQL Server 2005 in SQL Server
What Is the Security Model Used in SQL Server 2005 in SQL Server? SQL Server 2005 uses a very standard security model involves 3 concepts: Securables - Entities representing resources that need to be secured. For example, a database table is a securable. Principals - Entities representing users that...
2016-10-20, 1274🔥, 0💬

Define External Table in a Text File in Oracle
How To Define an External Table in a Text File in Oracle? You can use the CREATE TABLE statement to create external tables. But you need to use ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL clause to specify the external file location and the data access driver. The tutorial exercise below shows you how to define an extern...
2016-10-19, 2770🔥, 1💬

💬 2016-10-19 Randy: Great example, Thanks!

"ALTER LOGIN" - Disabling a Login Name in SQL Server
How To Disable a Login Name in SQL Server? If you want temporarily disable a login name, you can use the "ALTER LOGIN" statement with a DISABLE keyword. If you want to enable it later on, you can use the ENABLE keyword. The tutorial exercise below shows how to disable and enable login name "Dba_Logi...
2016-10-19, 2765🔥, 0💬

"DROP LOGIN" - Deleting a Login Name in SQL Server
How To Delete a Login Name in SQL Server? If you don't want to keep a login name any more, you should delete it by using the "DROP LOGIN" statement as shown in this tutorial example: -- Login with "sa" DROP LOGIN Dba_Login; GO Command(s) completed successfully. -- View login names SELECT name, sid, ...
2016-10-19, 1554🔥, 0💬

"ALTER LOGIN" - Changing a Login Name in SQL Server
How To Change a Login Name in SQL Server? If you want to change a login name, you can use the "ALTER LOGIN" statement as shown in this tutorial example: -- Login with "sa" -- Change login name ALTER LOGIN Fyi_Login WITH NAME = Dba_Login; GO -- View login names SELECT name, sid, type, type_desc FROM ...
2016-10-19, 1497🔥, 0💬

"CREATE USER" - Creating a User Name in a Database in SQL Server
How To Create a User Name in a Database in SQL Server? User names are security principals at the database level. If you want to allow a login name to access a specific database, you need to create a user name in that database and link it to the login name. Creating a user name can be done by using t...
2016-10-19, 1422🔥, 0💬

SQL Server Database Tutorials
Where to find SQL Server database server tutorials? Here is a collection of tutorials, tips and FAQs for SQL Server DBA and SQL Server database application developers. Clear explanations and sample scripts provided can be used as learning tutorials or interview preparation guides. It doesn't matter ...
2016-10-18, 9643🔥, 0💬

About dba.FYIcenter.com Website
What is dba.FYIcenter.com Website about? dba.FYIcenter.com is a Website for DBAs (database administrators) and database application developers looking for database server management tips, database programming tutorials, career information, and so on. Just browse through the site, you will find the b...
2016-10-17, 8065🔥, 0💬

Creating Multi-Statement Table-Value Functions in SQL Server
How To Create an Multi-Statement Table-Valued Function in SQL Server Transact-SQL? To create a multi-statement table-valued function, you need to define a temporary table as the returning table in the function. INSERT statements should be used to insert data into the returning table. The tutorial ex...
2016-10-17, 2220🔥, 0💬

"DECLARE ... CURSOR" - Declaring Cursor Objects in SQL Server
How To Declare a Cursor with "DECLARE ... CURSOR" in SQL Server Transact-SQL? If you want to use a cursor to represent the result set of a query, you need to define a cursor name with a SELECT sub-statement using the "DECLARE ... CURSOR" statement using the following syntax format: DECLARE cursor_na...
2016-10-17, 2177🔥, 0💬

"FETCH" - Fetching the Next Row from a Cursor in SQL Server
How To Fetch the Next Row from a Cursor with a "FETCH" Statement in SQL Server Transact-SQL? When the result set is ready in a cursor, you can use a FETCH statement to retrieve one row from the result set in the same format as a SELECT statement. The FETCH statement has the following formats: FETCH ...
2016-10-17, 1563🔥, 0💬

Using Cursors in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Using Cursors in SQL Server Transact-SQL? I want to loop through rows in a result set. Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com DBA team on Using Cursors in SQL Server Transact-SQL. Clear explanati...
2016-10-17, 1490🔥, 0💬

What Are Cursors in SQL Server
What Are Cursors in SQL Server Transact-SQL? A cursor is a special data type that represents a result set returned by a SELECT query statement. There are several notes about cursor you need to remember: Cursor data type can not be used to define table columns. Cursor data type is used on store proce...
2016-10-17, 1444🔥, 0💬

"OPEN" - Executing the Query of a Cursor in SQL Server
How To Execute the Cursor Queries with "OPEN" Statements in SQL Server Transact-SQL? Once a cursor is declared, you need to execute the query attached to the cursor so that the result set returned from the query can be accessed through the cursor. To execute the cursor query, you should use the OPEN...
2016-10-17, 1285🔥, 0💬

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