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Creating an Index on a View in SQL Server
How To Create an Index on a View in SQL Server? If you need to search and sort data in a view with a large number of row, you may want to create an index on the view to speed up your search process. The tutorial exercise below shows you how to create a unique clustered index on a view. DROP VIEW fyi...
2016-11-03, 1452🔥, 0💬

"AS" - Naming Query Output Columns in SQL Server
How To Name Query Output Columns in SQL Server? Each column in the query output has a default name. If you don't like the default name, you can specify a new name for any column in the query output by using the AS clause. The following statement shows you a good example: SELECT tag AS Category, YEAR...
2016-10-29, 1451🔥, 0💬

Selecting Columns in a Query in MySQL
How To Select Some Columns from a Table in MySQL? If you want explicitly tell the query to return some columns, you can specify the column names in the SELECT clause. The following select statement returns only two columns, "id" and "url" from the table "fyi_links": mysql&gt; SELECT id, url FROM...
2017-11-05, 1450🔥, 0💬

odbc_columns() - Listing All Columns in a Table
How To List All Columns in a Table using odbc_columns()? If you want to get a list of all columns in a table, you can use the odbc_columns() function, which can actually be used to list all columns in all tables and views in the database. The syntax of odbc_columns() is: $result_set = odbc_columns($...
2024-06-03, 1449🔥, 0💬

mssql_fetch_array() - Looping through Result Set Objects
How To Loop through Result Set Objects using mssql_fetch_array()? If the returning output of a query statement is captured in a result set object, you can use mssql_fetch_array() to loop through each row in the output. The tutorial PHP script below shows you how to list tables in the database: &...
2024-03-23, 1449🔥, 0💬

SQL Server FAQs - PHP MSSQL Functions - Managing Tables and Data Rows
A collection of 17 FAQs on using PHP MSSQL functions to connect to manage tables and data rows. Clear explanations and tutorial exercises are provided on creating tables; inserting multiple data rows; updating and deleting data rows; searching data from multiple tables; looping through result sets; ...
2024-03-07, 1449🔥, 0💬

PHP MSSQL - mssql_fetch_array() - Looping through Returning Rows
PHP MSSQL - How To Loop through Returning Rows? The best way to query tables and loop through returning rows is to run a SELECT statement with the mssql_query() function, catch the returning object as a result set, and loop through the result with mssql_fetch_array() function in a while loop as show...
2024-02-28, 1439🔥, 0💬

PHP MSSQL - Inserting Data with NULL Values
PHP MSSQL - How To Insert Data with NULL Values? There are two ways to provide NULL value to a column in an INSERT statement: Include the column in the statement, but specify keyword NULL as the value. Exclude the column from the statement. The following tutorial exercise inserts two rows. Both of t...
2024-02-28, 1430🔥, 0💬

PHP MSSQL - Returning Result Set Objects
PHP MSSQL - What Is a Result Set Object Returned by mssql_query()? A result set object is a logical representation of data rows returned by mssql_query() function on SELECT statements. Every result set object has an internal pointer used to identify the current row in the result set. Once you get a ...
2024-02-28, 1428🔥, 0💬

"DROP TRIGGER" - Deleting Existing Triggers in SQL Server
How To Delete Existing Triggers using "DROP TRIGGER" in SQL Server? If you don't want to use a trigger any more, you should delete it from the database by using the "DROP TRIGGER" statement as shown in tutorial example: USE FyiCenterData; GO DROP TRIGGER new_user; GO SELECT * FROM sys.triggers GO na...
2016-10-24, 1428🔥, 0💬

"ALTER TRIGGER" - Modifying Existing Triggers in SQL Server
How To Modify Existing Triggers using "ALTER TRIGGER" in SQL Server? If you want to make changes to an existing trigger, you could use the "ALTER TRIGGER" statements to refine the trigger again. The tutorial exercise below shows you how to modify the trigger defined in a previous tutorial: USE FyiCe...
2016-10-24, 1427🔥, 0💬

PHP MSSQL - Inserting Multiple Rows with a Subquery
PHP MSSQL - How To Insert Multiple Rows with a subquery? If want to insert rows into a table based on data rows from other tables, you can use a subquery inside the INSERT statement as shown in the following script example: &lt;?php $con = mssql_connect('LOCALHOST','sa' ,'FYIcenter');mssql_selec...
2024-02-28, 1426🔥, 0💬

PHP MSSQL - Making Columns to Take NULL
PHP MSSQL - How To Make a Column Nullable? Based on the testing result from the previous tutorial you can find out that there is a big difference in the column definition when running CREATE TABLE statement with mssql_query(): If CREATE TABLE is executed through mssql_query() and "NULL/NOT NULL" key...
2024-03-07, 1422🔥, 0💬

odbc_tables() - Listing All Tables in the Database
How To List All Tables in the Database using odbc_tables()? If you want to get a list of all tables in the database, you can use the odbc_tables() function, which can actually be used to list all tables and views in the database. The syntax of odbc_tables() is: $result_set = odbc_tables($connection_...
2024-07-11, 1421🔥, 0💬

What Is a Subquery in a SELECT Query Statement in SQL Server
What Is a Subquery in a SELECT Query Statement in SQL Server? A subquery is a SELECT statement used as part of the selection criteria of the main SELECT statement. The subquery specified in the WHERE clause will be evaluated repeated on each row of the selection base table. The output of the subquer...
2016-10-29, 1326🔥, 0💬

LAG() - N-Row before Current Row within Window
How to evaluate a field expression on n-row before the current row in the current result set window using the LAG() function? LAG(exp, n, default) is a MySQL built-in window function that evaluates a field expression on n-row before the current row in the current result set window. For example: SELE...
2024-09-28, 1014🔥, 0💬

RANK() - Vale Rank of Sorted Values
How to calculate the value rank of the sorting field expression in the current result set window using the RANK() function? RANK(n) is a MySQL built-in window function that calculates the value rank of the sorting field expression in the current result set window. For example: SELECT help_topic_id A...
2024-09-12, 959🔥, 0💬

Removed: ENCODE() - Encoding Data with Password
How to encode a byte sequence with a given password using the ENCODE() function? ENCODE(clear, pass) is a MySQL built-in function that encodes a byte sequence with a given password using the default encoding algorithm. Note that ENCODE() is no longer supported. It was: Introduced MySQL 4.0. Removed ...
2024-10-14, 943🔥, 0💬

FIRST_VALUE() - First Value of Result Set Window
How to obtain the first value of a field expression in the current result set window using the FIRST_VALUE() function? FIRST_VALUE(exp) is a MySQL built-in window function that returns the first value of a field expression in the current result set window. For example: SELECT help_topic_id AS tip, h...
2024-09-28, 899🔥, 0💬

Removed: DES_DECRYPT() - DES Data Decryption
How to decrypt data with the DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm using the DES_DECRYPT() function? DES_DECRYPT(cipher, key) is a MySQL built-in function that decrypts data with the DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm. Note that DES_DECRYPT() is no longer supported. It was: Introduced MySQL...
2024-10-14, 863🔥, 0💬

DENSE_RANK() - Density Rank of Sorted Values
How to calculate the density rank of the sorting field expression in the current result set window using the DENSE_RANK() function? DENSE_RANK() is a MySQL built-in window function that calculates the density rank of the sorting field expression in the current result set window. For example: SELECT ...
2024-09-28, 856🔥, 0💬

LAST_VALUE() - Last Value of Result Set Window
How to obtain the last value of a field expression in the current result set window using the LAST_VALUE() function? LAST_VALUE(exp) is a MySQL built-in window function that returns the last value of a field expression in the current result set window. For example: SELECT help_topic_id AS tip, help_...
2024-09-28, 847🔥, 0💬

LEAD() - N-Row after Current Row within Window
How to evaluate a field expression on n-row after the current row in the current result set window using the LEAD() function? LEAD(exp, n, default) is a MySQL built-in window function that evaluates a field expression on n-row after the current row in the current result set window. For example: SELE...
2024-09-28, 811🔥, 0💬

Removed: DES_ENCRYPT() - DES Data Encryption
How to encrypt data with the DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm using the DES_ENCRYPT() function? DES_ENCRYPT(clear, key) is a MySQL built-in function that encrypts data with the DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm. Note that DES_ENCRYPT() is no longer supported. It was: Introduced MySQL ...
2024-10-14, 802🔥, 0💬

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