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Connecting Windows Applications to SQL Servers via ODBC
How Can Windows Applications Connect to SQL Servers via ODBC? One way of connecting a windows application to a SQL Server is to use ODBC drivers. The requirements to do this is summarized here: The SQL Server must have TCP/IP protocol enabled with a specific port number. The SQL Server Browser Servi...
2024-03-17, 1354🔥, 0💬

PHP MSSQL - Query Multiple Tables Jointly
PHP MSSQL - How To Query Multiple Tables Jointly? If you want to query information stored in multiple tables, you can use the SELECT statement with a WHERE condition to make an inner join. Assuming that you have 3 tables in a forum system: "users" for user profile, "forums" for forums information, a...
2024-02-09, 1354🔥, 0💬

Missing ntwdblib.dll for MSSQL connection
What Happens If ntwdblib.dll Is Missing on Your Machine? In order to install the proper version of ntwdblib.dll on your machine, you need to find out how many copies of ntwdblib.dll do you have on your machine and what are the version numbers on those copies. 1. Go to Start &gt; Search &gt; ...
2024-04-14, 1353🔥, 0💬

PHP ODBC - Inserting Data into an Existing Table
PHP ODBC - How To Insert Data into an Existing Table? If you want to insert a row of data into an existing table, you can use the INSERT INTO statement as shown in the following sample script: &lt;?php $con = odbc_connect('FYI_SQL_SERVER', 'sa','FYIcenter');$sql = "INSERT INTO fyi_links (id, url...
2024-06-03, 1352🔥, 0💬

PHP MSSQL - Including Date and Time Values in SQL Statements
PHP MSSQL - How To Include Date and Time Values in SQL Statements? If you want to provide date and time values in a SQL statement, you should write them in the format of "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss", and quoted with single quotes ('). The tutorial exercise below shows you two INSERT statements. The first o...
2024-02-18, 1352🔥, 0💬

PHP MSSQL - Computing Date and Time Differences
PHP MSSQL - How To Display a Past Time in Days, Hours and Minutes? You have seen a lots of Websites are displaying past times in days, hours and minutes. If you want to do this yourself, you can use the DATEDIFF() SQL function The following tutorial exercise shows you how to use DATEDIFF() to presen...
2024-02-18, 1352🔥, 0💬

Preparing Data in Text Files for DTS to Import
How To Prepare Data in Text Files for DTS to Import? Sometimes you have data organized in rows and columns and stored in text files. You can import data from text files to SQL Server database tables using the DTS wizard. But you need to prepare data text files with the following questions in mind: W...
2024-01-19, 1352🔥, 0💬

Commonly Used ODBC Functions in PHP
What Are Commonly Used ODBC Functions in PHP? If you look at the PHP 5 manual, you will see a group of functions listed under the ODBC Functions (Unified) section. The commonly used ODBC functions are: odbc_connect � Establish an OBDC connection. odbc_data_source � Returns information about a curren...
2024-03-17, 1351🔥, 0💬

PHP MSSQL - Deleting Existing Rows in a Table
PHP MSSQL - How To Delete Existing Rows in a Table? If you want to remove a row from a table, you can use the DELETE statement with a WHERE clause to identify the row. The following sample script deletes one row: &lt;?php $con = mssql_connect('LOCALHOST','sa' ,'FYIcenter');mssql_select_db('FyiCe...
2024-02-18, 1349🔥, 0💬

Using Group Functions in the SELECT Clause in SQL Server
How To Use Group Functions in the SELECT Clause in SQL Server? If group functions are used in the SELECT clause, all rows that meet the criteria defined in the WHERE clause will be treated as a single group. The group functions will be apply all rows in that group as a whole. The final output of the...
2016-10-25, 1349🔥, 0💬

mssql_query() - Executing SQL Statements
How To Execute a SQL Statement using mssql_query()? Once you have created a connection object, you can use the mssql_query() function to send a SQL statement to the SQL Server linked to the connection object for execution. Here is a simple PHP script that creates a new schema and a new table: &l...
2024-04-07, 1348🔥, 0💬

PHP MSSQL - Creating a New Table
PHP MSSQL - How To Create a New Table? If you want to create a table in the SQL Server database, you can run the CREATE TABLE SQL statement using the mssql_query() function, as shown in the following sample script: &lt;?php $con = mssql_connect('LOCALHOST','sa' ,'FYIcenter');mssql_select_db('Fyi...
2024-03-07, 1348🔥, 0💬

Defining Text Files as the DTS Data Source
How To Define Text Files as the DTS Data Source? If your data text file is ready to import, you can start the DTS wizard and define the text file as the data source following this tutorial: 1. Start the DTS wizard and click Next. The data source window shows up. 2. Select "Text File" as the Data Sou...
2024-01-19, 1348🔥, 0💬

PHP MSSQL - Including Text Values in SQL Statements
PHP MSSQL - How To Include Text Values in SQL Statements? Text values in SQL statements should be quoted with single quotes ('). If the text value contains a single quote ('), it should be protected by replacing it with two single quotes (''). In SQL language syntax, two single quotes represents one...
2024-02-18, 1347🔥, 0💬

Adding More Test Data for Query Statements in SQL Server
How To Add More Data to the Testing Table in SQL Server? If you want to continue with other tutorial exercises in this FAQ collection, you need to add more data to the testing table. Follow the script below to add a new column and more rows: ALTER TABLE fyi_links ADD tag VARCHAR(8) GO UPDATE fyi_lin...
2016-10-26, 1347🔥, 0💬

Security Model Used in SQL Server 2005 in SQL Server
What Is the Security Model Used in SQL Server 2005 in SQL Server? SQL Server 2005 uses a very standard security model involves 3 concepts: Securables - Entities representing resources that need to be secured. For example, a database table is a securable. Principals - Entities representing users that...
2016-10-20, 1346🔥, 0💬

Returning Result from Query with ODBC Connection
How To Receive Returning Result from a Query? When you execute a SQL SELECT statement with the odbc_exec() function, you can capture the returning result with a result set object with the following syntax: $result_set = odbc_exec($sql_statement); #- The returning value could be a Boolean value FALSE...
2024-07-17, 1344🔥, 1💬

PHP ODBC - Inserting Multiple Rows with a Subquery
PHP ODBC - How To Insert Multiple Rows with a subquery? If want to insert rows into a table based on data rows from other tables, you can use a subquery inside the INSERT statement as shown in the following script example: &lt;?php $con = odbc_connect('FYI_SQL_SERVER', 'sa','FYIcenter');$sql = "...
2024-05-29, 1343🔥, 0💬

Turning Off PHP Warning Messages for MSSQL Connection
How To Turn Off Warning Messages during PHP Execution? If don't want see warning messages generated from the PHP engine when executing PHP scripts, you can change the error_reporting setting in the php.ini configuration file. Open php.ini and change the following lines: ;error_reporting = E_ALL &...
2024-03-23, 1342🔥, 0💬

Copying a Table from Source to Destination
How To Copy a Table from Source to Destination? If the DTS data source is set to a SQL Server, you have two options to transform data from source to destination: Copy all rows and columns of a table or view. Generating data by a SELECT query statement. This tutorial continues from previous tutorials...
2024-01-31, 1342🔥, 0💬

Using LIKE Conditions in MySQL
How To Use LIKE Conditions in MySQL? A LIKE condition is also called pattern patch. There are 3 main rules on using LIKE condition: '_' is used in the pattern to match any one character. '%' is used in the pattern to match any zero or more characters. ESCAPE clause is used to provide the escape char...
2018-03-24, 1342🔥, 0💬

"CREATE SCHEMA" - Creating a New Schema in a Database in SQL Server
How To Create a New Schema in a Database in SQL Server? If you want to create a new schema in an existing database, you can use the "CREATE SCHEMA" statement as shown in the tutorial example below: USE FyiCenterData; GO CREATE SCHEMA fyi; GO Command(s) completed successfully. A new schema called "fy...
2016-10-22, 1341🔥, 0💬

Returning Result from Query with MSSQL Connection
How To Receive Returning Result from a Query? When you execute a SQL SELECT statement with the mssql_query() function, you can capture the returning result with a result set object with the following syntax: $result_set = mssql_query($sql_statement); #- The returning value could be a Boolean value F...
2024-03-23, 1340🔥, 0💬

PHP MSSQL - Creating an Identity Column
PHP MSSQL - How To Create an Identity Column? Many tables require an ID column to assign a unique ID number for each row in the table. For example, if you have a table to hold forum member profiles, you need an ID number to identify each member. To allow SQL Server to automatically assign a new ID n...
2024-02-09, 1338🔥, 0💬

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