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Selecting All Columns of All Rows in MySQL
How To Select All Columns of All Rows from a Table in MySQL? The simplest query statement is the one that selects all columns of all rows from a single table: "SELECT * FROM tableName;". The (*) in the SELECT clause tells the query to return all columns. The missing WHERE clause tells the query to r...
2017-11-05, 1412🔥, 0💬

Using Group Functions in the ORDER BY Clause in SQL Server
Can Group Functions Be Used in the ORDER BY Clause in SQL Server? If the query output is aggregated as groups, you can sort the groups by using group functions in the ORDER BY clause. The following statement returns the maximum "counts" in each group, determined by a unique combination of tag and ye...
2016-10-25, 1411🔥, 0💬

PHP ODBC - Including Date and Time Values in SQL Statements
PHP ODBC - How To Include Date and Time Values in SQL Statements? If you want to provide date and time values in a SQL statement, you should write them in the format of "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss", and quoted with single quotes ('). The tutorial exercise below shows you two INSERT statements. The first on...
2024-05-05, 1410🔥, 0💬

Updating Values in a Table in MySQL
How To Update Values in a Table in MySQL? If you want to update some values in one row or multiple rows in a table, you can use the UPDATE statement. The tutorial script below shows a good example: mysql&gt; UPDATE fyi_links SET counts = 999, notes = 'Good.' WHERE id = 101; Query OK, 1 row affec...
2018-01-13, 1410🔥, 0💬

Close MySQL Connection Objects in MySQL
How To Close MySQL Connection Objects in MySQL? MySQL connection objects created with mysql_connect() calls should be closed as soon as you have finished all of your database access needs by calling mysql_close($con) function. This will reduce the consumption of connection resources on your MySQL se...
2017-11-11, 1410🔥, 0💬

IN - Testing Values Returned by a Subquery in SQL Server
How To Test Values Returned by a Subquery with the IN Operator in SQL Server Transact-SQL? Normally, the comparison operator IN is used against a list of specified values as in the format of: "test_value IN (value_1, value_2, ..., value_n)". But you can also replace the list of values by a subquery ...
2017-01-21, 1410🔥, 0💬

Assign Field Values into RECORD Variables in Oracle
How To Assign Values to Data Fields in RECORD Variables in Oracle? If a variable is a RECORD variable, you can assign values to its data fields by using fields names prefixed with variable name as "variable.field_name". Here is a sample script assigning values to data fields of RECORD variables: CRE...
2018-09-01, 1409🔥, 0💬

Sort by Multiple Columns in MySQL
Can the Query Output Be Sorted by Multiple Columns in MySQL? You can specifying multiple columns in the ORDER BY clause as shown in the following example statement, which returns employees' salaries sorted by department and salary value: mysql&gt; SELECT tag, counts, url, DATE(created) FROM fyi_...
2017-11-02, 1407🔥, 0💬

Creating and Managing Schemas in SQL Server
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Creating and Managing Schemas in SQL Server? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com DBA team on Creating and Managing Schemas in SQL Server. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on ...
2016-10-22, 1407🔥, 0💬

PHP ODBC - Deleting Existing Rows in a Table
PHP ODBC - How To Delete Existing Rows in a Table? If you want to remove a row from a table, you can use the DELETE statement with a WHERE clause to identify the row. The following sample script deletes one row: &lt;?php $con = odbc_connect('FYI_SQL_SERVER', 'sa','FYIcenter');$sql = "DELETE FROM...
2024-05-05, 1406🔥, 0💬

Expressions with NULL Values in MySQL
What Happens If NULL Values Are Involved in Expressions in MySQL? If NULL values are used in expressions, the resulting values will be NULL values. In other words: Arithmetic expressions with NULL values result NULL values. Comparison expressions with NULL values result NULL values. Logical expressi...
2018-03-28, 1406🔥, 0💬

PHP MSSQL - Searching Records by Keywords
PHP MSSQL - How To Perform Key Word Search in Tables? The simplest way to perform key word search is to use the SELECT statement with a LIKE operator in the WHERE clause. The LIKE operator allows you to match a text field with a keyword pattern specified as '%keyword%', where (%) represents any numb...
2024-02-09, 1405🔥, 0💬

SINGLE_USER/MULTI_USER - Database User Access Options in SQL Server
How to set database to be SINGLE_USER in SQL Server? Databases in SQL Server have three user access options: MULTI_USER - All users that have the appropriate permissions to connect to the database are allowed. This is the default. SINGLE_USER - One user at a time is allowed to connect to the databas...
2016-11-20, 1405🔥, 0💬

Rebuilding All Indexes on One Table in SQL Server
How To Rebuild All Indexes on a Single Table in SQL Server? If you have several indexes on a single table and want to rebuild all of them, you may use the "ALTER INDEX ALL ON table_name REBUILD" statement as shown in the tutorial exercise below: USE FyiCenterData; GO UPDATE fyi_links_indexed SET url...
2016-11-08, 1404🔥, 0💬

Using Values from Other Tables in UPDATE Statements in SQL Server
How To Use Values from Other Tables in UPDATE Statements in SQL Server? If you want to update values in one table with values from another table, you can use a subquery as an expression in the SET clause. The subquery should return only one row for each row in the update table that matches the WHERE...
2016-11-02, 1404🔥, 0💬

DROP INDEX - Removing Existing Indexes in SQL Server
How To Drop Existing Indexes in SQL Server? For some reason, if you want remove an existing index, you can use the DROP INDEX statement with following syntax: CREATE INDEX table_name.index_name The tutorial exercise below shows you how to remove the index "fyi_links_id": USE FyiCenterData; GO SELECT...
2016-11-15, 1403🔥, 0💬

SQL Server FAQs - PHP MSSQL Functions - Connections and Query Execution
A collection of 18 FAQs on connecting to MS SQL Server with PHP scripts. Clear explanations and tutorial exercises are provided on SQL Server connection; providing port number; selecting database; running SQL statements; checking execution errors; looping through query result; looping through result...
2024-04-29, 1402🔥, 0💬

Rename an Existing User Account in MySQL
How To Rename an Existing User Account Name in MySQL? If you want to change the name of an existing user account, you can use the "RENAME USER oldName TO newName" command. The tutorial exercise below shows you how to do this: &gt;cd \mysql\bin &gt;mysql -u root -pretneciyf mysql mysql&gt...
2017-12-13, 1402🔥, 0💬

Rename an Existing Table in MySQL
How To Rename an Existing Table in MySQL? If you want to rename an existing table, you can use the "ALTER TABLE ... RENAME TO" statement. The tutorial script below shows you a good example: mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE tip RENAME TO faq; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) mysql&gt; SELECT * FROM ...
2018-02-14, 1400🔥, 0💬

PHP ODBC - Updating Existing Rows in a Table
PHP ODBC - How To Update Existing Rows in a Table? Updating existing rows in a table requires to run the UPDATE statement with a WHERE clause to identify the row. The following sample script updates one row with two new values: &lt;?php $con = odbc_connect('FYI_SQL_SERVER', 'sa','FYIcenter');$sq...
2024-05-29, 1399🔥, 0💬

Turning on the MSSQL API Module
How to Turn on the MSSQL API Module? If you want to access SQL Server database with PHP scripts, the first thing you need to do is to turn on the MSSQL API Module as shown in this tutorial: 1. Prepare a single line script to test the MSSQL API Module: &lt;?php mssql_connect('LOCALHOST','sa' ,'FYI...
2024-04-14, 1399🔥, 0💬

List All Tables with "mysql" Command in MySQL
How To Show All Tables with "mysql" in MySQL? If you want to see all the tables in a database, you run the non-SQL command "SHOW TABLES" at the "mysql" prompt. See the following tutorial exercise for example: &gt;cd \mysql\bin &gt;mysql -u root test Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end...
2018-02-28, 1399🔥, 0💬

Installing DTS on Windows XP Systems
How To Install DTS (Data Transformation Services) on Windows XP Systems? SQL Server 2000 is not supported on Windows XP systems, but you can still install DTS (Data Transformation Services) as client component your XP system. This allows you to continue to use DTS with SQL Server 2005, if you don't ...
2024-01-31, 1398🔥, 0💬

Adding More Data to the Test Table in MySQL
How To Add More Data to the Testing Table in MySQL? If you want to continue with other tutorial exercises in this FAQ collection, you need to add more data to the testing table. Follow the script below to add a new column and: mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE fyi_links ADD COLUMN tag VARCHAR(8); mysql&...
2017-11-02, 1398🔥, 0💬

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