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Entering Numeric Values in MySQL
How To Include Numeric Values in SQL statements in MySQL? If you want to include a numeric value in your SQL statement, you can enter it directly as shown in the following examples: SELECT 255 FROM DUAL; -- An integer 255 SELECT -6.34 FROM DUAL; -- A regular number -6.34 SELECT -32032.6809e+10 FROM ...
2018-03-31, 1455🔥, 0💬

Writing Date and Time Literals in MySQL
How To Write Date and Time Literals in MySQL? MySQL offers a number of formats for you to use to enter date and time literals: ANSI standard format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS". Non-standard limiters. Like: "YYYY/MM/DD HH^MM^SS" or "YYYY.MM.DD HH-MM-SS". No limiters. Like: "YYYYMMDD" for a date or "HHMMSS...
2017-12-26, 1455🔥, 0💬

Testing Table for SELECT Statements in SQL Server
How To Create a Testing Table with Test Data to try with SELECT statements in SQL Server? If you want to follow the tutorial exercises presented in this collection, you need to create a testing table and insert some test data, as shown in the following sample script: CREATE TABLE fyi_links (id INTEG...
2016-10-26, 1455🔥, 0💬

Create Tables for ODBC Connection Testing in Oracle
How To Create Tables for ODBC Connection Testing in Oracle? If you want to follow the tutorial exercises in the sections below, you need to create a user account and a table for ODBC connection testing as shown here: SQL&gt; CONNECT system/retneciyf Connected. SQL&gt; CREATE USER fyi IDENTIF...
2016-10-15, 1455🔥, 0💬

IN - Testing Value in a Value List in SQL Server
What To Test Value Lists with the IN Operator in SQL Server Transact-SQL? Sometimes you want to test a given value against a list of values. You can do this in a loop with the regular "equal" operator. But you can also use the special comparison operator IN to get it done with the following syntaxes...
2017-01-21, 1454🔥, 0💬

Show All Tables in the Database in Oracle
How To Get a List of All Tables in the Database in Oracle? If you don't like to use a SELECT statement to get a list of all tables in the current database, you can use the Reports view to do this as shown in the following tutorial example: Click menu View. Selects Reports from the menu. Open Reports...
2018-10-08, 1453🔥, 0💬

What Is a User Account in MySQL
What Is a User Account in MySQL? A user account is identified by a user name and defines the user's attributes, including the following: Password for connection authentication. User privileges, for examples: Shutdown_priv, Create_priv, Drop_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv, etc.. Various ...
2017-12-13, 1453🔥, 0💬

Turn on Query Logs in MySQL
How To Turn on Query Logs in MySQL? If you want MySQL to write query logs to a file, you can use the "--log=fileName" option at the "mysqld" command line. The tutorial exercise below shows you a good example on how to use this option and view the query log file: &gt;cd \mysql\bin &gt;mkdir \...
2017-12-04, 1453🔥, 0💬

Major Storage Engines Supported in MySQL in MySQL
What Are Storage Engines in MySQL? Storage engines are programs that are integrated into MySQL database management system to manage data tables. MySQL 5.0 supports the following major storage engines: MyISAM Storage Engine - MySQL default storage engine. Based on ISAM database concept. MyISAM is not...
2017-09-12, 1453🔥, 0💬

Listing All User Accounts in MySQL
How To List All Existing User Accounts in MySQL? MySQL stores all existing user accounts in a table called "mysql.user". If you want see all user accounts, you can use the "SELECT" command as shown in the tutorial exercise below: &gt;cd \mysql\bin &gt;mysql -u root -pretneciyf mysql mysql&am...
2017-12-13, 1452🔥, 0💬

Creating Stored Procedures with Parameters in SQL Server
How To Create Stored Procedures with Parameters in SQL Server Transact-SQL? Very often, you need to create a stored procedure with one or more parameters. You only supply values to those parameters at the time of executing the stored procedure. Stored procedures with parameters can be created with t...
2017-01-05, 1452🔥, 0💬

What Is a Database in SQL Server
What is a database in SQL Server? A database is a logical container that contains a set of related database objects: Tables - Storages of structured data. Views - Queries to present data from tables. Indexes - Sorting indexes to speed up searches. Stored Procedures - Predefined SQL program units. Us...
2016-11-24, 1452🔥, 0💬

Who Is the Owner of a Schema in SQL Server
Who Is the Owner of a Schema in SQL Server? When you create a schema in a database, SQL Server will assign a owner (a database user) to this schema. If your login name is mapped to the owner of a schema at the database level, you have the full permission on all objects in this schema. The following ...
2016-10-22, 1452🔥, 0💬

What Is Transaction in MySQL
What Is Transaction in MySQL? A transaction is a logical unit of work requested by a user to be applied to the database objects. MySQL server introduces the transaction concept to allow users to group one or more SQL statements into a single transaction, so that the effects of all the SQL statements...
2016-10-16, 1452🔥, 0💬

Define Variables before Procedures and Functions in Oracle
What Is the Order of Defining Local Variables and Sub Procedures/Functions in Oracle? In the declaration part, you must define all local variables before defining any sub procedures or sub functions. See the following sample script: SQL&gt; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE WELCOME AS 2 SITE CHAR(80) ...
2018-03-18, 1451🔥, 0💬

Returning the Second 5 Rows in MySQL
How To Return the Second 5 Rows in MySQL? If you want to display query output in multiple pages with 5 rows per page, and the visitor wants to see the output for the second page, you need to display query output from row 6 to row 10. You can use the "LIMIT startRow maxRows" clause to return only row...
2017-12-21, 1451🔥, 0💬

"SELECT" Statements - Reading the Data In a Table in SQL Server
How to read data in a table with "SELECT" statements in SQL Server? This is the fourth tutorial of a quick lesson on creating database objects with Transact-SQL statements. This lesson shows you how to create a database, create a table in the database, and then access and change the data in the tabl...
2016-12-02, 1451🔥, 0💬

"INSERTED" - New Record of an DML Event Instance in SQL Server
How To Access the Inserted Record of an Event in SQL Server? When a DML event occurs, SQL Server will prepare a temporary table called "INSERTED", which contains the new record of the affected row, which is: A copy of the inserted row for an INSERT statement. A copy of the updated row for an UPDATE ...
2016-10-24, 1451🔥, 0💬

Using Subqueries in the FROM Clause in SQL Server
How To Use Subqueries in the FROM Clause in SQL Server? If you have a query returning many rows of data, and you want to perform another query on those rows, you can put the first query as a subquery in the FROM clause of the second query. A subquery used in this way become a temporary table, and yo...
2016-10-29, 1450🔥, 0💬

Defining and Using Table Alias Names in SQL Server
How To Define and Use Table Alias Names in SQL Server? When column names need to be prefixed with table names, you can define table alias name and use them to prefix column names. To define an alias for a table name, just enter the alias name right after the original table name in the FROM clause as...
2016-10-30, 1449🔥, 0💬

Sorting Query Output with ORDER BY Clauses in SQL Server
How To Sort the Query Output with ORDER BY Clauses in SQL Server? If you want the returning rows to be sorted, you can specify a sorting expression in the ORDER BY clause. The simplest sort expression is column name who's values will be sorted by. The following select statement returns rows sorted b...
2016-10-26, 1449🔥, 0💬

Deleting All Rows with DELETE Statements in SQL Server
How To Delete All Rows with DELETE Statements in SQL Server? If you want to delete all rows from a table, you have two options: Use the DELETE statement with no WHERE clause. Use the TRUNCATE TABLE statement. Here is an example of deleting all rows with a DELETE statement: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fyi_l...
2016-10-30, 1447🔥, 0💬

How Data Locks Are Respected in Oracle
How Data Locks Are Respected in Oracle? Here are the rules on how data locks are respected: All statements ignore data locks owned its own transaction. SELECT query statements ignores data locks owned by any transactions. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements in a READ COMMITTED transaction will wai...
2019-08-08, 1446🔥, 0💬

Using Subqueries in the FROM Clause in MySQL
How To Use Subqueries in the FROM clause in MySQL? If you have a query returning many rows of data, and you want to perform another query on those rows, you can put the first query as a subquery in the FROM clause of the second query. A subquery used in this way become a temporary table, and you mus...
2017-12-21, 1446🔥, 0💬

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