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NTILE() - Dividing Window into N Tiles
How to divid result set window into N tiles and return the tile position using the NTILE() function? NTILE(n) is a MySQL built-in window function that divides result set window into n tiles and returns the tile position of the current row. For example: SELECT help_topic_id AS tip, help_category_id A...
2024-09-12, 727🔥, 0💬

Removed: PASSWORD() - Generating Password Hash
How to convert a password into a hash value with the default hashing algorithm using the PASSWORD() function? PASSWORD(password) is a MySQL built-in function that converts a password into a hash value with the default hashing algorithm. Note that PASSWORD() is no longer supported. It was: Introduced...
2024-05-15, 691🔥, 0💬

JSON_QUOTE() - Quoting JSON String
How to convert a regular character string into a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) string using the JSON_QUOTE() function? JSON_QUOTE(str) is a MySQL built-in function that converts a regular character string into a JSON string by quoting the string with double quotes. It replaces the double-quote c...
2023-12-10, 682🔥, 0💬

Removed MySQL Functions
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions about Removed MySQL Built-in Functions? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com team about Removed MySQL Built-in Functions: Removed: ENCODE() - Encoding Data with Password Removed: DECODE() - Decodi...
2024-10-14, 663🔥, 0💬

GET_LOCK() - Requesting User Defined Lock
How to request a user defined lock using the GET_LOCK() function? GET_LOCK(lock, timeout) is a MySQL built-in function that tries to obtain a user defined lock within a timeout period. It returns 1 if successful, 0 if failed. For example: SELECT GET_LOCK('MyLock', 60), IS_FREE_LOCK('MyLock'), IS_USE...
2023-12-20, 654🔥, 0💬

MAKE_SET() - Filtering List with Binary Set
How to filter a list of strings with a binary set provided as an integer using the MAKE_SET() function? MAKE_SET(bits, str1, str2, ...) is a MySQL built-in function that filters a list of strings with a binary set provided as an integer. It loops through every bit of the given integer "bits" startin...
2023-12-20, 646🔥, 0💬

Removed: DECODE() - Decoding Data with Password
How to decode a byte sequence generated from the ENCODE() function using the DECODE() function? DECODE(cipher, pass) is a MySQL built-in function that encodes a byte sequence generated from the ENCODE() function. Note that DECODE() is no longer supported. It was: Introduced MySQL 4.0. Removed in MyS...
2024-10-14, 635🔥, 0💬

CRC32() - Cyclic Redundancy Check 32-Bit
How to calculate the 32-bit CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) value using the CRC32() function? CRC32(str) is a MySQL built-in function that calculates the 32-bit CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) value of a given character string and returns it as an integer. For example: SELECT CRC32('MySQL'), HEX(CRC32('...
2024-07-15, 622🔥, 0💬

Window Functions
What Are Window Functions? A Window Function is a function that can perform calculations over a window of rows referenced from the current row in query result. A window function is called with a OVER clause in the following syntax: window_function(...) OVER window where window is one of the followin...
2024-05-15, 608🔥, 0💬

MySQL Functions on Character String Values
Where to find reference information and tutorials on MySQL database functions on string values? I want to know how to use SUBSTRING(), REPLACE() and other character string related functions. Here is a collection of reference information and tutorials on MySQL database functions on string values comp...
2023-11-10, 607🔥, 0💬

MySQL Functions on System Information
Where to find reference information and tutorials on MySQL database functions on System Information? I want to know how to use DATABASE(), VERSION() and other functions. Here is a collection of reference information and tutorials on MySQL database functions on System Information compiled by FYIcente...
2024-07-15, 599🔥, 0💬

BENCHMARK() - Repeating Expression Evaluation
How to evaluate an expression repeatedly for benchmark testing using the BENCHMARK() function? BENCHMARK(count, exp) is a MySQL built-in function that evaluates an expression repeatedly for benchmark testing and returns 0. For example: SELECT BENCHMARK(1000000, AES_ENCRYPT('hello','goodbye') );-- +-...
2024-07-17, 592🔥, 2💬

💬 2024-07-17 Iqra Technology: This is a great overview of the `BENCHMARK()` function in MySQL! Your examples clearly illustrate how it can be used to evaluate...

LEAST() - Finding the Least/Minimum Value
How to find the least (minimum) value of a given list of values using the LEAST() function? LEAST(val1, val2, ...) is a MySQL built-in function that returns the least (minimum) value of a given list of values. For example: SELECT LEAST(70, 89, 73, 99, 101, 110, 116, 101, 114); -- +------------------...
2023-12-19, 591🔥, 0💬

IS_UUID() - Validating UUID String Format
How to validate a UUID (Universal Unique IDentifier) string using the IS_UUID() function? IS_UUID(uuid) is a MySQL built-in function that validates a UUID (Universal Unique IDentifier) string. It only checks if the given UUID is a 32-digit hexadecimal string or not. For example: SELECT IS_UUID('447f...
2023-12-08, 590🔥, 0💬

CUME_DIST() - Cumulative Distribution of Sorted Values
How to calculate the cumulative distribution of the sorting field expression in the current result set window using the CUME_DIST() function? CUME_DIST() is a MySQL built-in window function that calculates the cumulative distribution of the sorting field expression in the current result set window. ...
2024-05-15, 589🔥, 0💬

JSON_PRETTY() - Validating JSON Value
How to encode a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) value into a pretty-printing string using the JSON_PRETTY() function? JSON_PRETTY(json) is a MySQL built-in function that encodes a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) value into a pretty-printing string. For example: SELECT JSON_PRETTY('["a",1,{"key1"...
2023-12-10, 589🔥, 0💬

MySQL Functions on Result Set Windows
Where to find reference information and tutorials on MySQL database functions on Result Set Windows? I want to know how to use FIRST_VALUE(), ROW_NUMBER() and other window functions. Here is a collection of reference information and tutorials on MySQL database functions on Result Set Windows compile...
2024-05-15, 568🔥, 0💬

SLEEP() - Holding Statement Execution
How to hold the statement execution for some time using the SLEEP() function? SLEEP(sec) is a MySQL built-in function that holds the execution of the current statement for sec seconds. For example: SELECT SYSDATE(), SLEEP(2), SYSDATE(); -- +---------------------+------- ---+---------------------+-- ...
2023-12-19, 568🔥, 0💬

VERSION() - Version Number of MySQL Server
How to obtain the version number of the MySQL server using the VERSION() function? VERSION() is a MySQL built-in function that returns the version number of the MySQL server. For example: SELECT VERSION(); -- +-----------+ -- | VERSION() | -- +-----------+ -- | 8.0.17 | -- +-----------+ SELECT @@ver...
2025-01-07, 567🔥, 0💬

JSON_OVERLAPS() - Checking JSON Overlaps
How to check if two JSON values have overlaps using the JSON_OVERLAPS() function? JSON_OVERLAPS(json1, json2) is a MySQL built-in function that detects overlaps of two JSON values using the following rules: If both arguments are objects, overlap means they have at least one key-value pair in common....
2024-12-18, 550🔥, 0💬

VAR_POP() - Population Standard Variance
How to calculate the population standard variance of a field expression in result set groups using the VAR_POP() function? VAR_POP(expr) is a MySQL built-in aggregate function that calculates the population standard variance of a field expression in result set groups. For example: SELECT help_catego...
2023-12-01, 548🔥, 0💬

TRUNCATE() - Truncating to Decimal Place
How to truncate a value to a given decimal place using the TRUNCATE() function? TRUNCATE(X, D) is a MySQL built-in function that truncates X to decimal place of D. For example: SELECT TRUNCATE(-1.58, 0), TRUNCATE(23.298, 1), TRUNCATE(23.298, -1); -- +--------------------+-------- -------------+------...
2023-11-14, 545🔥, 0💬

SUM() - Total Value in Group
How to calculate the total value of a field expression in result set groups using the SUM() function? SUM(expr) is a MySQL built-in aggregate function that calculates the total value of a field expression in result set groups. For example: SELECT help_category_id, SUM(help_topic_id), COUNT(help_topi...
2023-12-01, 542🔥, 0💬

JSON_VALUE() - Converting JSON Value
How to convert a JSON value to a given MySQL data type using the JSON_VALUE() function? JSON_VALUE(json, path RETURNING type on_empty on_error) is a MySQL built-in function that converts a JSON value to a given MySQL data type. The input JSON value can be a member of a parent JSON array or object. F...
2024-11-23, 537🔥, 0💬

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