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"CREATE TRIGGER" - Creating a DML Trigger in SQL Server
How To Create a DML Trigger using CREATE TRIGGER Statements in SQL Server? A DML trigger is a trigger declared to handle a DML event, which occurs when an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement is executed. If you want to create a DML trigger, you should use the "CREATE TRIGGER" statement in the followi...
2016-10-25, 1536🔥, 0💬

Assign Names to Query Output Columns in MySQL
How To Name Query Output Columns in MySQL? Each column in the query output has a default name. If you don't like the default name, you can specify a new name for any column in the query output by using the AS clause. The following statement shows you a good example: mysql&gt; SELECT tag AS Categ...
2017-09-28, 1535🔥, 0💬

Getting "Connection failed" Error on ODBC DSN Creation
Why Am I Getting Errors When Creating a New ODBC DSN? Continue from the previous tutorial. After clicking Next on the SQL login information screen, ODBC manager will try to connect to the SQL Server with the login information you provided. After a period of waiting time, you may get error message bo...
2024-08-06, 1533🔥, 0💬

Expressions with NULL Values in MySQL
What Happens If NULL Values Are Involved in Expressions in MySQL? If NULL values are used in expressions, the resulting values will be NULL values. In other words: Arithmetic expressions with NULL values result NULL values. Comparison expressions with NULL values result NULL values. Logical expressi...
2018-03-28, 1531🔥, 0💬

What Are Triggers in SQL Server
What Are Triggers in SQL Server? A trigger is a special kind of stored procedure that automatically executes when an event occurs in the database server. A trigger is really an event handler. SQL Server allows users to create triggers (event handlers) for 3 types of events: DML Event - Occurs when a...
2016-10-25, 1531🔥, 0💬

Filerting out Duplications in Returning Rows in MySQL
How To Filter Out Duplications in Returning Rows in MySQL? If there are duplications in the returning rows, and you want to remove the duplications, you can use the keyword DISTINCT in the SELECT clause. The DISTINCT applies to the combination of all data fields specified in the SELECT clause. The t...
2018-01-06, 1529🔥, 0💬

SINGLE_USER/MULTI_USER - Database User Access Options in SQL Server
How to set database to be SINGLE_USER in SQL Server? Databases in SQL Server have three user access options: MULTI_USER - All users that have the appropriate permissions to connect to the database are allowed. This is the default. SINGLE_USER - One user at a time is allowed to connect to the databas...
2016-11-20, 1528🔥, 0💬

"DROP TABLE" - Deleting Existing Tables in SQL Server
How To Drop an Existing Table with "DROP TABLE" Statements in SQL Server? If you want to delete an existing table and its data rows, you can use the "DROP TABLE" statement as shown in the tutorial script below: SELECT * FROM tipBackup GO id subject description create_date 1 Learn SQL Visit dev.fyice...
2016-11-15, 1527🔥, 0💬

"CREATE SCHEMA" - Creating a New Schema in a Database in SQL Server
How To Create a New Schema in a Database in SQL Server? If you want to create a new schema in an existing database, you can use the "CREATE SCHEMA" statement as shown in the tutorial example below: USE FyiCenterData; GO CREATE SCHEMA fyi; GO Command(s) completed successfully. A new schema called "fy...
2016-10-22, 1525🔥, 0💬

PHP ODBC - Inserting Data into an Existing Table
PHP ODBC - How To Insert Data into an Existing Table? If you want to insert a row of data into an existing table, you can use the INSERT INTO statement as shown in the following sample script: &lt;?php $con = odbc_connect('FYI_SQL_SERVER', 'sa','FYIcenter');$sql = "INSERT INTO fyi_links (id, url...
2024-06-03, 1524🔥, 0💬

Creating a Simple Table to Test Triggers in SQL Server
How To Create a Simple Table to Test Triggers in SQL Server? If you want to follow other tutorial examples included in this collection, you need to run this SQL script to create a simple table called fyi_users: USE FyiCenterData; GO DROP TABLE fyi_users; GO CREATE TABLE fyi_users ( id INTEGER IDENTI...
2016-10-25, 1524🔥, 0💬

Requirements on SQL Server Network Connections
What Are the Requirements on SQL Server Network Connections? By default, SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is installed only one connection protocol enabled: Shared Memory - SQL Server connection protocol for applications that are running on the same machine where the SQL Server is running. For exampl...
2024-08-06, 1523🔥, 0💬

Returning Result from Query with ODBC Connection
How To Receive Returning Result from a Query? When you execute a SQL SELECT statement with the odbc_exec() function, you can capture the returning result with a result set object with the following syntax: $result_set = odbc_exec($sql_statement); #- The returning value could be a Boolean value FALSE...
2024-07-17, 1523🔥, 1💬

Assign Field Values into RECORD Variables in Oracle
How To Assign Values to Data Fields in RECORD Variables in Oracle? If a variable is a RECORD variable, you can assign values to its data fields by using fields names prefixed with variable name as "variable.field_name". Here is a sample script assigning values to data fields of RECORD variables: CRE...
2018-09-01, 1523🔥, 0💬

Connecting MS Access to SQL Servers through ODBC
How To Connect MS Access to SQL Servers through ODBC? Once you got a DSN defined in the ODBC manager that connects to your SQL Server, you can connect a normal MS Access document to the Oracle server, and link an Access table to a SQL Server table. The tutorial below gives you a good example: Start ...
2024-03-17, 1522🔥, 0💬

IN - Testing Values Returned by a Subquery in SQL Server
How To Test Values Returned by a Subquery with the IN Operator in SQL Server Transact-SQL? Normally, the comparison operator IN is used against a list of specified values as in the format of: "test_value IN (value_1, value_2, ..., value_n)". But you can also replace the list of values by a subquery ...
2017-01-21, 1522🔥, 0💬

Entering Microseconds in SQL Statements in MySQL
How To Enter Microseconds in SQL Statements in MySQL? If you want to enter microseconds in a SQL statements, you can enter them right after the time string as a 6-digit number delimited with '.'. '0' will be padded to right if not enough digits. Here are some good examples: SELECT TIME('1997/01/31 0...
2017-12-26, 1520🔥, 0💬

Sort by Multiple Columns in MySQL
Can the Query Output Be Sorted by Multiple Columns in MySQL? You can specifying multiple columns in the ORDER BY clause as shown in the following example statement, which returns employees' salaries sorted by department and salary value: mysql&gt; SELECT tag, counts, url, DATE(created) FROM fyi_...
2017-11-02, 1520🔥, 0💬

DROP INDEX - Removing Existing Indexes in SQL Server
How To Drop Existing Indexes in SQL Server? For some reason, if you want remove an existing index, you can use the DROP INDEX statement with following syntax: CREATE INDEX table_name.index_name The tutorial exercise below shows you how to remove the index "fyi_links_id": USE FyiCenterData; GO SELECT...
2016-11-15, 1518🔥, 0💬

Creating and Managing Schemas in SQL Server
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Creating and Managing Schemas in SQL Server? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com DBA team on Creating and Managing Schemas in SQL Server. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on ...
2016-10-22, 1518🔥, 0💬

Installing DTS on Windows XP Systems
How To Install DTS (Data Transformation Services) on Windows XP Systems? SQL Server 2000 is not supported on Windows XP systems, but you can still install DTS (Data Transformation Services) as client component your XP system. This allows you to continue to use DTS with SQL Server 2005, if you don't ...
2024-01-31, 1516🔥, 0💬

PHP ODBC - Creating an Identity Column
PHP ODBC - How To Create an Identity Column? Many tables require an ID column to assign a unique ID number for each row in the table. For example, if you have a table to hold forum member profiles, you need an ID number to identify each member. To allow SQL Server to automatically assign a new ID nu...
2024-04-29, 1515🔥, 0💬

Filtering Out Duplications in the Returning Rows in SQL Server
How To Filter Out Duplications in the Returning Rows in SQL Server? If there are duplications in the returning rows, and you want to remove the duplications, you can use the keyword DISTINCT in the SELECT clause. The DISTINCT applies to the combination of all data fields specified in the SELECT clau...
2016-10-26, 1514🔥, 0💬

PHP MSSQL - mssql_rows_affected() - Number of Affected Rows
PHP MSSQL - How To Get the Number of Affected Rows? If you insert multiple rows with a single INSERT statement, you can use the mssql_rows_affected() function to find out how many rows were inserted. mssql_rows_affected($connectio n)returns the number of affected rows of the last INSET, UPDATE or DE...
2024-02-28, 1513🔥, 0💬

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