Connect to MySQL Server without Port Number in MySQL


How To Connect to a MySQL Server with Default Port Number in MySQL?



If you want to connect a MySQL server with default port number, you can use the "mysql_connect($server)" function, where $server is the host name or IP address where the MySQL server is running. If successful, mysql_connect() will return a connection object for you to allow you to run other MySQL API functions.

The tutorial exercise below shows you a simple connection call to a MySQL server on the "localhost":

  $con = mysql_connect('localhost');
  if (!$con) {
    print("There is a problem with MySQL connection.\n");
  } else {
    print("The MySQL connection object is ready.\n");

But this will not work, if your server is running a non-default port number, 3306. In that case, It will give this output:

PHP Warning:  mysql_connect(): Can't connect to MySQL server
   on 'localhost' (10061) in fyi_center.php on line 2
There is a problem with the MySQL connection.


Connect to MySQL Server with Port Number in MySQL

Turning on mysql Extension on the PHP Engine in MySQL

PHP Connections and Query Execution for MySQL

⇑⇑ MySQL Database Tutorials

2017-07-30, 2025🔥, 0💬