List All Existing Databases in MySQL
How To Get a List of Databases from MySQL Servers in MySQL?
Once you got a MySQL server connection object successfully, you need to know what databases are available on the server and which database you should use to manage your tables and data. To get a list of all available databases on your MySQL server, you can use the mysql_list_dbs() function. Note mysql_list_dbs() will not return an array of database names. It returns a result object, which requires mysql_fetch_object() call to loop through each database object.
The tutorial exercise below shows you a good example of how to get a list of databases as a result object. Then "while" loop is used to fetch each database object from the result object. Finally, an object property "$obj->Database" is used to get the database name:
<?php $con = mysql_connect('localhost:8888', 'dev', 'iyf'); print("List of databases:\n"); $res = mysql_list_dbs($con); while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { print($obj->Database . "\n"); } mysql_close($con); ?>
If you run this script, you will get something like this:
List of databases: information_schema mysql test
⇒ Creating a New Database in MySQL
⇐ Close MySQL Connection Objects in MySQL
2017-11-11, 2192🔥, 0💬
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