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"ALTER FUNCTION" - Modifying Existing Functions in SQL Server
How To Modify an Existing User Defined Function in SQL Server Transact-SQL? If you find a mistake in an existing function previously created, you can drop (delete) it and create it again correctly. But dropping a function may affect other database objects who are depending on this function. So the b...
2016-12-18, 1538🔥, 0💬

"DROP LOGIN" - Deleting a Login Name in SQL Server
How To Delete a Login Name in SQL Server? If you don't want to keep a login name any more, you should delete it by using the "DROP LOGIN" statement as shown in this tutorial example: -- Login with "sa" DROP LOGIN Dba_Login; GO Command(s) completed successfully. -- View login names SELECT name, sid, ...
2016-10-19, 1538🔥, 0💬

Data Pump Export Utility in Oracle
What Is the Data Pump Export Utility in Oracle? Oracle Data Pump Export utility is a standalone programs that allows you to export data objects from Oracle database to operating system files called dump file set, which can be imported back to Oracle database only by Oracle Data Pump Import utility. ...
2016-10-15, 1537🔥, 0💬

Initialize Variables with Default Values in Oracle
How To Initialize Variables with Default Values in Oracle? There are two ways to assign default values to variables at the time of declaration: Using key word DEFAULT - Appending "DEFAULT value" to the end of declaration statements. Using assignment operator - Appending ":= value" to the end of decl...
2018-08-06, 1536🔥, 0💬

Entering Binary Numbers in MySQL
How To Enter Binary Numbers in SQL Statements in MySQL? If you want to enter character strings or numeric values as binary numbers, you can quote binary numbers with single quotes and a prefix of (B), or just prefix binary numbers with (0b). Binary numbers will be automatically converted into charac...
2018-03-31, 1536🔥, 0💬

Sorting Query Output in MySQL
How To Sort the Query Output in MySQL? If you want the returning rows to be sorted, you can specify a sorting expression in the ORDER BY clause. The simplest sort expression is column name who's values will be sorted by. The following select statement returns rows sorted by the values in the "counts...
2017-11-02, 1536🔥, 0💬

Downloading and Installing SQL Server 2005 Books Online in SQL Server
How to download and install SQL Server 2005 Books Online in SQL Server? 1. Go to the SQL Server 2005 Books Online download page . 2. Click the download button, the File Download box shows up. Save the download file to c:\temp. 3. Double click on the downloaded file: c:\temp\SqlServer2K5_BOL_Feb20 07....
2016-12-04, 1536🔥, 0💬

Default Schema of Your Login Session in SQL Server
What Is the Default Schema of Your Login Session in SQL Server? When you login to a SQL Server and select a database to use, SQL Server will assign your login session a default schema. The schema name can be omitted when you refer to objects in the default schema. Here is what you should remember ab...
2016-10-22, 1536🔥, 0💬

DROP TABLE Statement in Oracle
How To Drop an Existing Table in Oracle? If you want to delete an existing table and its data rows, you can use the DROP TABLE statement as shown in this script: SQL&gt; connect HR/fyicenter Connected. SQL&gt; CREATE TABLE emp_dept_10 2 AS SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id=10; Tabl...
2020-02-20, 1535🔥, 0💬

Define an Anonymous Block in Oracle
How To Define an Anonymous Block in Oracle? An anonymous block must have an execution part, which is a group of other PL/SQL statements enclosed in the BEGIN ... END statement. Here is a script on how to define a simple anonymous block with SQL*Plus: SQL&gt; set serveroutput on; SQL&gt; begi...
2018-10-30, 1535🔥, 0💬

Loop through a Cursor Variable in Oracle
How To Loop through a Cursor Variable in Oracle? Once a cursor variable is opened with a query statement, it will have the same attributes as a normal cursor and it can be used in the same way a normal cursor too. The following sample script shows you how to loop through a cursor variable: CREATE OR...
2018-07-18, 1535🔥, 0💬

Accessing MySQL Server through Firewalls in MySQL
How To Access MySQL Servers through Firewalls in MySQL? If your MySQL server is provided by an Internet service company, connecting to the server from your local machine will not be so easy, because there are firewalls between your local machine and your MySQL server as shown below: Firewalls to MyS...
2017-11-25, 1535🔥, 0💬

Index Slowing Down INSERT Statements in SQL Server
Does Index Slows Down INSERT Statements in SQL Server? If you want to see the impact of indexes on INSERT statements, you can repeat the same insert script on the table "fyi_links" of the same structure with two indexes: one non-clustered index on column "url" and one non-clustered index on column "...
2016-11-13, 1535🔥, 0💬

Create a New User Account in Oracle
How To Create a New User Account in Oracle? If you want to create a new user account, you can log in as SYSTEM and use the CREATE USER command as shown in the following example: &gt;.\bin\sqlplus /nolog SQL&gt; connect SYSTEM/fyicenter Connected. SQL&gt; CREATE USER DEV IDENTIFIED BY dev...
2019-07-21, 1534🔥, 0💬

Types of Tables Supported by Oracle in Oracle
How Many Types of Tables Supported by Oracle in Oracle? Oracle supports 4 types of tables based on how data is organized in storage: Ordinary (heap-organized) table - This is the basic, general purpose type of table. Its data is stored as an unordered collection (heap) Clustered table - A clustered ...
2019-06-01, 1534🔥, 0💬

Use Group Functions in ORDER BY Clause in Oracle
Can Group Functions Be Used in the ORDER BY Clause in Oracle? If the query output is aggregated as groups, you can sort the groups by using group functions in the ORDER BY clause. The following statement returns how many employees are having the same salary in each department. The group output is so...
2019-10-27, 1533🔥, 0💬

Open and Close an Explicit Cursor in Oracle
How To Open and Close an Explicit Cursor in Oracle? An existing cursor can be opened or closed by the OPEN or CLOSE statement as shown in the following sample script: DECLARE CURSOR c_list IS SELECT * FROM countries; CURSOR t_list IS SELECT * FROM employees WHERE employee_id = 100; BEGIN OPEN c_list...
2018-07-22, 1533🔥, 0💬

Select Some Columns from a Table in Oracle
How To Select Some Columns from a Table in Oracle? If you want explicitly tell the query to some columns, you can specify the column names in SELECT clause. The following select statement returns only two columns from the table "departments": SQL&gt; SELECT location_id, department_name FROM DEPA...
2019-12-19, 1532🔥, 0💬

Sort Query Output in Descending Order in Oracle
How To Sort Query Output in Descending Order in Oracle? If you want to sort a column in descending order, you can specify the DESC keyword in the ORDER BY clause. The following SELECT statement first sorts the department in descending order, then sorts the salary in ascending order: SQL&gt; SELE...
2019-12-19, 1531🔥, 0💬

Turn On and Off Recycle Bin for the Instance in Oracle
How To Turn On or Off Recycle Bin for the Instance in Oracle? You can turn on or off the recycle bin feature for an instance in the instance parameter file with "recyclebin=on/off". You can also turn on or off the recycle bin feature on the running instance with a SQL*Plus command, if you log in as ...
2019-05-14, 1531🔥, 0💬

Show Execution Path Reports in Oracle
How To Get Execution Path Reports on Query Statements in Oracle? If your user account has autotrace configured by the DBA, you can use the "SET AUTOTRACE ON EXPLAIN" command to turn on execution path reports on query statements. The tutorial exercise bellow shows you a good example: SQL&gt; CONN...
2020-06-08, 1529🔥, 0💬

What Are DDL Statements in MySQL
What Are DDL Statements in MySQL? DDL (Data Definition Language) statements are statements to create and manage data objects in the database. The are 3 primary DDL statements: CREATE - Creating a new database object. ALTER - Altering the definition of an existing data object. DROP - Dropping an exis...
2018-03-10, 1529🔥, 0💬

Use NULL as Conditions in Oracle
How To Use NULL as Conditions in Oracle? If you want to compare values against NULL as conditions, you should use the "IS NULL" or "IS NOT NULL" operator. Do not use "=" or "&lt;&gt;" against NULL. The sample script below shows you some good examples: SELECT 'A' IS NULL FROM DUAL; -- Error: ...
2019-12-02, 1528🔥, 0💬

Recover a Dropped Table in Oracle
How To Recover a Dropped Table in Oracle? If you accidentally dropped a table, can you recover it back? The answer is yes, if you have the recycle bin feature turned on. You can use the FLASHBACK TABLE ... TO BEFORE DROP statement to recover a dropped table from the recycle bin as shown in the follo...
2019-05-14, 1528🔥, 0💬

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