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Downloading and Installing Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 in SQL Server
How to download and install Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 in SQL Server? .NET Framework Version 2.0 is required by many Microsoft applications like SQL Server 2005. If you want download and install .NET Framework Version 2.0, you should follow this tutorial: 1. Go to the Microsoft .NET Framew...
2016-12-08, 4744🔥, 0💬

Verifying PHP Installation in MySQL
How To Verify Your PHP Installation in MySQL? PHP provides two execution interfaces: Command Line Interface (CLI) and Common Gateway Interface (CGI). If PHP is installed in the \php directory on your system, you can try this to check your installation: Run "\php\php -v" command to check the Command ...
2017-07-30, 4577🔥, 0💬

"ALTER USER" - Changing the Name of a Database User in SQL Server
How To Change the Name of a Database User in SQL Server? If you want to change the name of an existing database user, you can use the "ALTER USER" statement as shown in the tutorial exercise below: -- Login with "sa" USE FyiCenterData; GO ALTER USER Fyi_User WITH NAME = Dba_User; GO -- List all user...
2022-01-24, 4524🔥, 0💬

Connect ASP Pages to Oracle Servers in Oracle
How To Connect ASP Pages to Oracle Servers in Oracle? If you are running Windows IIS Web server and serving ASP Web pages, you can get data from Oracle servers into your ASP pages through ODBC drivers. To do this, you need to install the correct Oracle ODBC driver and define a DSN on the IIS Web ser...
2016-10-15, 4466🔥, 0💬

Oracle Database Basic Concepts
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions I am new to Oracle database. Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com DBA team about Oracle database basic concepts: What Is Oracle in Oracle What Is an Oracle Database in Oracle What Is an Oracle Ins...
2020-11-11, 4442🔥, 0💬

Converting Binary Strings into Integers in SQL Server
How To Convert Binary Strings into Integers in SQL Server Transact-SQL? Binary strings and integers are convertible implicitly and explicitly. But there several rules you need to remember: Binary strings will be implicitly converted into an integer data type, if it is involved in an arithmetical ope...
2017-02-28, 4288🔥, 0💬

Recover a Dropped Index in Oracle
How To Recover a Dropped Index in Oracle? If you have the recycle bin feature turned on, dropped indexes are stored in the recycle bin. But it seems to be command to restore a dropped index out of the recycle bin. FLASHBACK INDEX is not a valid statement. See the following script: ALTER SESSION SET ...
2019-04-22, 4205🔥, 0💬

DATEADD() Function Usage Examples in SQL Server
How To Use DATEADD() Function in SQL Server Transact-SQL? DATEADD() is a very useful function for manipulating date and time values. The following tutorial exercise shows you some good DATEADD() usage examples: -- Incrementing 1 year on a leap date DECLARE @birth_date DATETIME; SET @birth_date = '20...
2017-02-20, 4104🔥, 0💬

Differences between DATE and TIMESTAMP in Oracle
What Are the Differences between DATE and TIMESTAMP in Oracle? The main differences between DATE and TIMESTAMP are: DATE stores values as century, year, month, date, hour, minute, and second. TIMESTAMP stores values as year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and fractional seconds.   ⇒ Differences b...
2020-04-25, 4060🔥, 0💬

Converting Unicode Strings to Non-Unicode Strings in SQL Server
How To Convert a Unicode Strings to Non-Unicode Strings in SQL Server Transact-SQL? Since Unicode character set is different than code page based (non-Unicode) character set, converting Unicode strings to non-Unicode strings may result in wrong characters or missing characters. So you should avoid c...
2017-03-07, 4057🔥, 0💬

Error: Lock Wait Timeout Exceeded in MySQL
What Happens to Your Transactions When ERROR 1205 Occurred in MySQL? If your transaction receives the "Lock wait timeout exceeded" - ERROR 1205, MySQL server automatically terminates your transaction and rolls back your data changes of the entire transaction. This is why the error messages tells you...
2017-04-28, 4012🔥, 0💬

Difference Between GETDATE() and GETUTCDATE() in SQL Server
What Is the Difference Between GETDATE() and GETUTCDATE() in SQL Server Transact-SQL? The difference between GETDATE() and GETUTCDATE() is time zone number of the SQL Server machine. The tutorial exercise below gives you a good example: DECLARE @local_time DATETIME; DECLARE @gmt_time DATETIME; SET @...
2017-02-14, 3996🔥, 0💬

Start with a Minimum Initialization Parameter File in Oracle
How To Start Instance with a Minimal Initialization Parameter File in Oracle? The sample initialization parameter file provided by Oracle seems to be not working. But we can try to start the new instance with a minimal initialization parameter file (PFile). First you can create another PFile, $ORACL...
2018-05-08, 3954🔥, 0💬

WHILE ... Loops in SQL Server Transact-SQL
How to execute statements in loops in SQL Server Transact-SQL? How to use WHILE ... loops? You can use WHILE ... statements to execute statements in loops in Transact-SQL using these syntaxes: -- Loop with a single statement WHILE condition statement -- Loop with a statement block WHILE condition --...
2017-01-11, 3882🔥, 0💬

Connecting SQL Server Management Studio Express To a SQL Server in SQL Server
How to connect SQL Server Management Studio Express to SQL Server 2005 Express in SQL Server? Once you have SQL Server 2005 Express installed and running on your local machine, you are ready to connect SQL Server Management Studio Express to the server: Click Start &gt; Programs &gt; Microso...
2016-12-04, 3881🔥, 0💬

Transaction Management: Commit or Rollback in MySQL
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Transaction Management: Commit or Rollback in MySQL? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com DBA team on Transaction Management: Commit or Rollback in MySQL. Clear answers are provided with tutori...
2017-08-08, 3838🔥, 0💬

Create a Simple Stored Procedure in Oracle
How To Create a Stored Program Unit in Oracle? If you want to create a stored program unit, you can use the CREATE PROCEDURE or FUNTION statement. The example script below creates a stored program unit: SQL&gt; set serveroutput on; SQL&gt; CREATE PROCEDURE Hello AS 2 BEGIN 3 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_...
2019-03-20, 3809🔥, 0💬

Single-Byte Character Data Types in SQL Server Transact-SQL
What are single-byte character string data types supported in SQL Server Transact-SQL? Single-byte character string data types are used to hold single-byte character strings. There are 3 single-byte character string data types supported in SQL Server Transact-SQL: 1. CHAR (or CHARACTER) - Used to ho...
2017-04-08, 3693🔥, 0💬

CONVERT() - Formatting DATETIME Values to Strings in SQL Server
How To Format DATETIME Values to Strings with the CONVERT() Function in SQL Server Transact-SQL? SQL Server 2005 offers no functions to format DATETIME values in your own format patterns. But it does provide you a number of pre-defined format patterns that you can use with the CONVERT(char_type, dat...
2017-02-08, 3659🔥, 0💬

Entering 0.001 Second in DATETIME in SQL Server Transact-SQL
Why I Can Not Enter 0.001 Second in DATETIME values in SQL Server Transact-SQL? If you enter milliseconds in data and time values, they will be rounded up to 10/3 millisecond increments, because DATETIME data type uses 4 bytes to store the time of the day. A 4-byte integer can only give an accuracy ...
2017-04-15, 3648🔥, 0💬

What Is a Parameter File in Oracle
What Is a Parameter File in Oracle? A parameter file is a file that contains a list of initialization parameters and a value for each parameter. You specify initialization parameters in a parameter file that reflect your particular installation. Oracle supports the following two types of parameter f...
2020-11-11, 3599🔥, 1💬

💬 2016-12-04 mm: mm

Verifying a User Name with SQLCMD Tool in SQL Server
How To Verify a User name with SQLCMD Tool in SQL Server? The quickest way to verify a user name in a database is probably to use the SQLCMD tool. You can connect to the server, select the database, and check which user name is linked the current login name as shown below. Start a command window and...
2017-08-25, 3599🔥, 0💬

Downloading and Installing SQL Server Sample Scripts in SQL Server
How to download and install SQL Server 2005 Sample Scripts in SQL Server? If you want to learn from sample scripts provided by Microsoft, you should follow this tutorial to download and install them: 1. Go to the SQL Server 2005 Samples and Sample Databases download page . 2. Go to the x86 section i...
2019-11-08, 3570🔥, 2💬

💬 2019-11-08 FYIcenter.com: @Nana, please follow AdventureWorksLT - Downloading and Installing the Sample Database in SQL Server tutorial.

💬 2019-10-31 Nana Jacob: Please i need to download AdventureWorksLT

PHP Connections and Query Execution for MySQL
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on PHP Connections and Query Execution for MySQL? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com DBA team on PHP Connections and Query Execution in MySQL. Clear explanations and tutorial exercises are provi...
2017-11-25, 3559🔥, 0💬

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